User since: Jun 09, 2005 at 02:29 UTC (19 years ago)
Last here: Nov 22, 2007 at 11:20 UTC (16 years ago)
Experience: 4005
Level:Priest (14)
Writeups: 4
Location:Milky Way
User's localtime: Apr 24, 2024 at 06:06 UTC
Scratchpad: None.
For this user:Search nodes

Level 2: 15/07/2005

Level 3: 27/07/2005

Level 4: 06/08/2005

Level 5: 23/08/2005

Level 7: 31/10/2005 (Levels revamped)

Level 8 (Pilgrim): 10/12/2005

Level 9 (Friar): 26/02/2006

Level 10 (Hermit): 26/05/2006

Level 11 (Chaplain): 06/09/2006

Level 12 (Deacon): 29/01/2007

Level 13 (Curate): 27/05/2007 - Five days later than predicted, which isn't too bad considering I lost 4 days due to messing up a Kubuntu upgrade and one day due to being away to attend an 80th birthday party.

Level 14 (Priest): 22/11/2007 - 15 days later than predicted. Either I over-estimated my daily XP gain or I underestimated my time away from the keyboard or both. On that note, I'm calling it quits!