#!/usr/local/bin/perl use Time::Local 'timelocal'; use PerlIO::gzip; use IO::Tee; use IO::File; $err = 0; $help = 1 if($ARGV[0] eq '-h'); $help = 1 if($ARGV[0] eq '--help'); $help = 1 if($ARGV[0] eq '-help'); $help = 1 if($ARGV[0] eq ''); $debug = 1 if($ARGV[0] eq '-d'); $msgHelp = "FORMAT - command [-d][-h][--help] Month StartDate EndDate\n\tStart & End Date = mm/dd/yyyy"; $msgGreps = "\n----------------------The following greps will be used for searching:\n"; $msgFiles = "\n----------------------The following files will be searched based on the dates given:\n"; $msgStarting = "\n----------------------Now Starting\n"; if($help == 1){ print $msgHelp; } elsif($debug == 1){ $month = $ARGV[1]; @start = split /\//, $ARGV[2]; @end = split /\//, $ARGV[3]; }else{ $month = $ARGV[0]; @start = split /\//, $ARGV[1]; @end = split /\//, $ARGV[2]; } $inputpath = "/logs/"; $startdate = timelocal(0,0,0, $start[1], $start[0]-1, $start[2]-1900); $enddate = timelocal(0,0,0, $end[1]+1, $end[0]-1, $end[2]-1900); $currenttime = localtime time; $fcount = 1; $gcount = 0; if($debug !=1){$logfile = "win_greplog.txt" }else{$logfile = "testlogfile.txt"}; $msgstarting = "\n----------------------$currenttime-----------------------\nParse will start with logs dated: startdate = $startdate\nEnding with logs dated: enddate = $enddate\nIn the following directory: $inputpath\n"; $tee = new IO::Tee(\*STDOUT, new IO::File(">>$logfile")); print $tee "\nDEBUG MODE ON" if($debug == 1); print $tee $msgstarting; opendir INPUTDIR, $inputpath; @inputfiles = grep { (stat "$inputpath/$_")[9] >= $startdate and (stat "$inputpath/$_")[9] < $enddate } readdir INPUTDIR; closedir INPUTDIR; $numfiles = @inputfiles; $greps[0] = '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'; $greps[1] = '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce'; $greps[2] = '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx'; $greps[3] = '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AeDebug'; $greps[4] = '\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\KnownDLLs'; $greps[5] = '\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurePipeServers\winreg'; $greps[6] = '\SOFTWARE\inAgents\EventLog2Syslog'; $greps[7] = '%systemdrive%'; $greps[8] = 'C:\'; $greps[9] = '\system32'; $greps[10] = '\system32\drivers'; $greps[11] = '\system32\config'; $greps[12] = '\system32\spool'; $greps[13] = '\repair'; print $tee $msgGreps; foreach $gname (@greps) { print $tee "\n - greps[$gcount]\t $gname"; $gcount++; } print $tee $msgFiles; foreach $filelist (@inputfiles) { $filelist = $inputpath.$filelist; print $tee "\n - $filelist"; } print $tee $msgStarting; # step into each input file foreach $inputfile (@inputfiles) { # step into each grep $gcount = 0; foreach $grep (@greps) { # build the outputfile $outputfile = $month."_".$gcount."_".$inputfile."_results.txt"; @results = `zgrep $grep > $outputfile`; $gcount++; } } print $tee "\n\n----------------------Normal Completion\n" if ($err==0); close(LOGFILE);