in reply to Math help: Finding Prime Numbers

The sieve of Eratosthenes is a good algorithm. It requires N bits of storage for primes to N.

Here is a pure-perl implementation, using 'vec' for the bit array and done as an OO perl module built around a blessed scalar reference (to the bit array). It isn't heavily tested, I'm afraid, but you use it as follows:

use Sieve; # Rename as appropriate... my $sieve = Sieve->new; foreach my $number (qw/13 20 35 3/) { print "$number is ", $sieve->is_prime($number) ? "prime" : "composite", "\n"; } print join(", ", $sieve->primes_to(300)), "\n";
And here is the code:
package Sieve; use strict; use warnings; my $BITS_PER_BYTE = 8; my $INITIAL_SIZE = $BITS_PER_BYTE ** 2; sub new { # A sieve is a bit array, where 'true' => composite my $sieve = ''; # 0 isn't prime vec($sieve, 0, 1) = 1; # 1 isn't prime vec($sieve, 1, 1) = 1; my $s = \$sieve; bless $s, __PACKAGE__; # Pre-extend the array vec($sieve, $INITIAL_SIZE, 1) = 0; # And fill it in $s->_run; return $s; } sub is_prime { my $s = shift; my $n = shift; $s->_extend($n); return !vec($$s, $n, 1); } sub primes_to { my $s = shift; my $n = shift; $s->_extend($n); return grep { $s->is_prime($_) } 1..$n; } sub _run { my $s = shift; my $i; my $limit = sqrt ($s->_size); for ($i = 2; $i < $limit; ++$i) { next unless $s->is_prime($i); $s->_mark_multiples($i); } } sub _extend { my $s = shift; my $to = shift; return 0 if $to <= $s->_size; vec($$s, $to, 1) = 0; return $s->_run; } sub _mark_multiples { my $s = shift; my $p = shift; my $i; my $limit = $s->_size; for ($i = 2 * $p; $i < $limit; $i += $p) { vec($$s, $i, 1) = 1; } } sub _size { my $s = shift; return (length $$s) * $BITS_PER_BYTE; } 1;

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Re^2: Math help: Finding Prime Numbers
by I0 (Priest) on Nov 25, 2006 at 08:25 UTC
    my $Limit = 1000000; my $HighestFactor = sqrt($Limit); my $is_prime=''; # Sieve array. # put in candidate primes: integers which have an odd number of repres +entations by certain quadratic forms. for $x ( 1..$HighestFactor){ my $x2 = $x*$x; last if $x2*2 >= $Limit; for $y ( 1..$HighestFactor ){ my $y2 = $y*$y; next if ($n = 3*$x2 - $y2) > $Limit; vec($is_prime,$n,1) ^= 1 if $x > $y && $n % 12 == 11; next if ( $n = 3*$x2 + $y2 ) > $Limit; vec($is_prime,$n,1) ^= 1 if $n % 12 == 7; next if ( $n = 4*$x2 + $y2 ) > $Limit; vec($is_prime,$n,1) ^= 1 if $n % 12 == 1 || $n % 12 == 5; } } # eliminate composites by sieving # if n is prime, omit all multiples of its square; this is sufficient +because # composites which managed to get on the list cannot be square-free for $n (5..$HighestFactor ){ next unless vec($is_prime,$n,1); for( $k=$n2=$n*$n; $k <= $Limit; $k += $n2 ){ vec($is_prime,$k,1) += 0 }; } # Present the results. $\="\n"; print for 2,3, grep vec($is_prime,$_,1), 5..$Limit;