User since: Dec 05, 2006 at 04:00 UTC (17 years ago)
Last here: Apr 30, 2007 at 13:30 UTC (17 years ago)
Experience: 355
Level:Scribe (6)
Writeups: 16
Location:Sautee Nacoochee, GA
User's localtime: Apr 18, 2024 at 21:08 EDT
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Bird and nature photographer -

Prior life: C,C++ realtime telephony development. Also Assembly, C, C++, and turbo pascal on payphone software and lots of application work in Basic, Dbase, Foxpro on all sorts of ancient computers.

Funny thing, the old Cromemco S-100 system running Cromix on a 4 Mhz Z80 seemed to run at about the same speed as my current Windoz XP on a 2+ Ghz Pentium. Progress?