in reply to Module Announcement: Perl-Critic-1.01

The one that gets me presently is "return" statement with explicit "undef" at line 942, column 5. See page 199 of PBP. I'd like to know when being explicit has ever been a problem. I'm almost tempted to buy that book just to see what the argument is on page 199. Almost.

Update: Ahh, I see... I hadn't thought about list context since the function only ever returns scalars and the results are all checked with if defined $scalar_name. I'm going to go ahead and stick with return undef if $something for functions that only return scalars and consider the advice given by Perl::Critic to be educated guesses or tips.


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Module Announcement: Perl-Critic-1.01
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Jan 26, 2007 at 16:50 UTC

    Maybe it's trying to encourage you to specify the return value explicitly, as in

    return undef;
    return ();

    Update: Here's a table of the differences:

    return undef; return (); return;
    scalar $sv = foo(); undef undef undef
    boolean if (foo()) { } false false false
    string '' . foo() '' with warning '' with warning '' with warning
    number 0 + foo() 0 with warning 0 with warning 0 with warning
    list my @a = foo(); ( undef ) ( ) ( )
    boolean list assignment if (my @a = foo())
    if (my ($sv) = foo())
    if (() = foo())
    true false false
    scalar list assignment my $sv = () = foo() 1 0 0

    Note: How list assignments are treated in scalar context is what allows
    while (my ($key) = each(%hash))
    to work even if there's a key named 0.

      Maybe it's trying to encourage you to specify the return value explicitly...

      Actually, exactly the opposite. It says you shouldn't explicitly return undef because you might actually mean return (), and that return; dwims.


      "return;" is identical to "return();"
Re^2: Module Announcement: Perl-Critic-1.01
by holli (Abbot) on Jan 26, 2007 at 15:14 UTC
    Returning an explicit undef can be a problem if the sub gets called in list context. Because then the return value will be a one element list containing an undef, which would evaluate to "true" and that is in most cases not what you want. A naked return; dwims in scalar and list contexts.

    holli, /regexed monk/
      the return value will be a one element list containing an undef, which would evaluate to "true" and that is in most cases not what you want.
      Boolean list context? I'm baffled as to what case you are concerned about. As to "most cases", I quibble. Some, but not most.
Re^2: Module Announcement: Perl-Critic-1.01 (just a scalar)
by tye (Sage) on Jan 26, 2007 at 20:55 UTC

    If your function normally returns scalars, then doing return; is likely the wrong thing to do. If your function at least sometimes returns lists, then return undef; is likely the wrong thing to do. The latter is covered by other replies.

    The reason that the former is wrong is because it can break code like:

    my %hash= ( key1 => genValue1(), key2 => genValue2() }; # %hash= ( key1 => 'key2' ); is never what you want to get

    And the problems with return undef; don't really apply to functions that only ever return a scalar because you don't write code like:

    if( @array= getScalar() ) { ... } else { die "Couldn't get scalar"; }

    So, unless Perl::Critic checks whether your function ever returns other than 1 scalar elsewhere, I consider this warning to be encouraging a bad practice (rather than just pushing a reasonable practice too hard as many people will find many of the possible warnings, surely).

    - tye        

      The reason that the former is wrong is because it can break code like:

      Why do you not consider the hash assignment code broken? If you need to call a function in scalar context, make it explicit.

        Do you write the following?

        my %hash= ( key1 => scalar lc $value );

        If not, then it is probably because you know that 'lc' just returns a scalar. If you do, then there are probably a lot of people who find you silly. 'lc' isn't the only function I use that just returns scalars. Sprinkling 'scalar' all over hellenbach doesn't improve code much in my experience.

        I actually consider the => to be broken for not enforcing scalar context on both sides. But that still just shifts the problem to things like function arguments.

        Now, there are places where using scalar() is more appropriate. But, no, I don't consider using it on a function that just returns a scalar to be such a place. And I don't think transforming every function that might want to return an undefined scalar into "a function that returns a scalar except when it wants to return a undefined scalar in which case it returns an empty list instead and if you really wanted the undefined scalar then you should wrap the call in scalar() for that purpose" to be even close to an improvement strategy.

        - tye        

        Why make (key => scalar &functionScalar) explicit, but not return undef;? That sounds like a matter of personal preference to me.


Re^2: Module Announcement: Perl-Critic-1.01
by Jenda (Abbot) on Jan 26, 2007 at 15:16 UTC

    Well, whenever being explicit breaks things. return; and return undef; is NOT the same thing! It does return the same thing in a scalar context, but a very different thing in a list one. So for example

    sub foo { return undef; } if (@results = foo()) { print "Helo jettero :-P\n"; }
    does print the greeting. Because the function returns a list containing one element, the undef. And once you assign the list to an array and evaluate that assignment in scalar context you get the number of elements in the list and thus a true value. Probably not what you wanted, right?

      You are correct. I can't argue that that is what happens when you return undef.

      Now - the larger question is, who is still designing Perl module interfaces that return non-scalar results.

      I can't remember the last time I designed a function to return a list of values - much less variably return a list or a single scalar depending upon context. To me it is a code smell to not return a single scalar value (the single value could be arrayref or hashref - but it is still a single value). I know that may not sound Perlish - but as a user of the modules I produce I prefer not have to guess what context I need to call items in. It also saves memory to return arrayrefs or hashrefs.

      Yes I still use map and grep and caller and times and stat, but they are some of the last things I use that return lists. Perl 6 will fix some of these issues.

      my @a=qw(random brilliant braindead); print $a[rand(@a)];

        So I guess you'd rather do

        my $pointless_reference = $obj->getPosition(); my ($x, $y) = @$pointless_reference[0,1];
        my ($x, $y) = @{$obj->getPosition()};
        instead of
        my ($x, $y) = $obj->getPosition();
        right? Restricting myself to returning just one value just because most languages do not allow anything more seems silly to me. Especially compared to such dirty tricks as updating the values of some variables passed by reference or something.

        To me bending backwards to always return a single scalar is a code smell. A code smell sugesting that the author writes C or some other language, but definitely not Perl. Even though the code is full of sigils and there are regexps scattered around.

Re^2: Module Announcement: Perl-Critic-1.01
by xdg (Monsignor) on Jan 26, 2007 at 15:22 UTC
    I'd like to know when being explicit has ever been a problem.

    It's a problem when return happens in array context -- you get a literal undef in the array. Contrived example:

    use Data::Dump::Streamer; sub filter_true { if ( my $v = shift ) { return $v; } else { return undef; } } my @values = (1, 0, 0); my @true_values = map { filter_true($_) } @values; Dump \@true_values


    $ARRAY1 = [ 1, ( undef ) x 2 ];


    Code written by xdg and posted on PerlMonks is public domain. It is provided as is with no warranties, express or implied, of any kind. Posted code may not have been tested. Use of posted code is at your own risk.

Re^2: Module Announcement: Perl-Critic-1.01
by stvn (Monsignor) on Jan 26, 2007 at 16:25 UTC

    Well, I guess it really depends on what you are being explict about :)

    The other replys to this node all have valid points. However, what if I really did want to return undef? This is valid use case too.


      Perl::Critic has a section about "Bending the Rules" -- you can bypass criticism if you really intended something. It's good if you usually follow the rules, but don't want to be hassled when you're knowingly breaking them.

      return undef; ## no critic


      Code written by xdg and posted on PerlMonks is public domain. It is provided as is with no warranties, express or implied, of any kind. Posted code may not have been tested. Use of posted code is at your own risk.