The most obvious solution to this ($doc->Words->{'Count'}) doesn't actually do what you want, because it uses a different defintion of 'word' from that used by the word-count dialogue box. This version returns the same number as reported by Word 2003.
use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw( abs_path ); use Win32::OLE; use Win32::OLE::Const; my $ole_const = { %{ Win32::OLE::Const->Load ('Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library') }, %{ Win32::OLE::Const->Load ('Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library') }, }; my @files = ( shift @ARGV ) || glob( "*.doc" ); my $word = Win32::OLE->new( 'Word.Application', 'Quit' ) or die "Can't start Word: " . Win32::OLE->LastError . "\n"; for my $file ( @files ) { my $fully_qualified_file = abs_path( $file ); my $doc = $word->Documents->Open( $fully_qualified_file ) or die "Can't open document '$fully_qualified_file': " . Win32::OLE->LastError . "\n"; my $word_count = $doc->ComputeStatistics ({ Statistic => $ole_const->{'wdStatisticWords'}, IncludeFootnotesAndEndnotes => $ole_const->{'msoTrue'}, }); $doc->Close(); printf "%-25s %6u\n", $file, $word_count; } $word->Quit(); exit 0;