ikkon has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am using RTF::Writer and I am trying to creat a function that will allow me to make a table without using a bunch of extra lines
I don't get any errors but the rtf doesn't have anything in it

here is my code:
my @tableProp5 = ( widths => [inches(3), inches(4)], #--> width of +each column align => 'l l', ); my @myText = ( [\'\fs20\b this', 'that'], [\'\fs20\b this', 'that'], [\'\fs20\b this', 'that'], [\'\fs20\b this', 'that'], ); RTFTable(@tableProp5, 9, 7, @myText); $fh->close(); sub RTFTable{ my (@tableProps, $headerColor, $bgColor, @Text ) = @_; my $count = 0; my $oDecl5; foreach (@Text) { if($headerColor eq undef || $headerColor eq "" || $headerC +olor == 0 || $count == 0){ $oDecl5 = RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl->new(@tableProps); $oDecl5->add_bgcolors($headerColor); # Adds backgroun +d color using color hash $fh->row($oDecl5, $_); $count++; }else{ $oDecl5 = RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl->new(@tableProps); $oDecl5->add_bgcolors($bgColor); # Adds background co +lor using color hash $fh->row($oDecl5, $_); } } }
some functions and stuff has been leftout to save space, the above code is the problem

I believe its the Text array i am trying to pass not sure if I am doing that correctly or not
Thanks for any help on this matter

If you would like to see the full script:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use RTF::Writer; #--> Declare new rtf object either save to disk or save to string my $fh = RTF::Writer->new_to_file("newTable.rtf"); # $fh = RTF::Writer->new_to_string(\$RTF_obj); #--> MUST write a prolog - font and color table (RGB) #--> Font: when calling font use \f0 (or number of the array, to c +hange font size double the size #--> example: for 12 point font do - \fs24 $fh->prolog( fonts => ['Arial'], colors => [ undef, # color 0 == black [255,0,0], # color 1 == red [0,128,0], # color 2 == green [0,0,255], # color 3 == blue [255,255,0], # color 4 == yellow [255,255,255],# color 5 == white [200,200,200],# color 6 == light gray [187,204,224],# color 7 == table blue [144,172,202],# color 8 == table header bl +ue [102,102,102],# color 9 == gray ], ); #--> Setting up margins (these MUST be here) #----------------------------------------------> my $iMarginLeftInches = my $iMarginRightInches = 500; my $iMarginTop = 500; #--> Need bigger bottom margin for footer to fit: #-------------------------------------------------> my $iMarginBottom = 500; my $iMarginLeft = $iMarginLeftInches; my $iMarginRight = $iMarginRightInches; eval "\$fh->Margt$iMarginTop"; eval "\$fh->Margl$iMarginLeft"; eval "\$fh->Margr$iMarginRight"; eval "\$fh->Margb$iMarginBottom"; my @tableProp5 = ( widths => [inches(3), inches(4)], #--> width of +each column align => 'l l', ); my @myText = ( ['\fs20\b this', 'that'], ['\fs20\b this', 'that'], ['\fs20\b this', 'that'], ['\fs20\b this', 'that'], ); RTFTable(@tableProp5, 9, 7, @myText); $fh->close(); sub RTFTable{ my (@tableProps, $headerColor, $bgColor, @Text ) = @_; my $count = 0; my $oDecl5; foreach my $aref (@Text) { if($headerColor eq undef || $headerColor eq "" || $headerC +olor == 0 || $count == 0){ $oDecl5 = RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl->new(@tableProps); $oDecl5->add_bgcolors($headerColor); # Adds backgroun +d color using color hash $fh->row($oDecl5, @$aref); $count++; }else{ $oDecl5 = RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl->new(@tableProps); $oDecl5->add_bgcolors($bgColor); # Adds background co +lor using color hash $fh->row($oDecl5, $aref); } } } #--> line breaks pass number of lines #--------------------------------------> sub lineBreak{ my $line = q'\par'; $fh->print(\$line); } #--> Creat Table #----------------> sub newtable(){ my(@tableProp, $tableColor, @localData) = @_; my $decl = RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl->new(@tableProp,); $decl->add_bgcolors($tableColor); $fh->row($decl, @$_) for @localData; } #--> Make image #---------------> sub newImage(){ $fh->paragraph( $fh->image( 'filename' => $_[0], ), ); } #--> Inches from twips #----------------------> sub inches{ my ($inches) = @_; my $twips = 1440; $inches = ($inches * $twips); return $inches; } #--> Write text Function #-----------------------> sub writeText(){ my($rtfFormat, $writeText) = @_; $fh->paragraph( \$rtfFormat, # 12pt, bold, italic "$writeText" ); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------# #----------------------------------------------- DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING +BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------------------------------- +-------# #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------# BEGIN { no warnings 'redefine'; sub RTF::Writer::close { return unless $_[0][2]; # Already closed?! $_[0]->print(\$_[0][1]) if length $_[0][1]; #$_[0][2]->close(); # Call close directly undef $_[0][2]; # close any objects $_[0][1] = ''; return; } # These are updates to RTF::Writer to allow background colors on # table cells: no warnings 'redefine'; no warnings; # Index 7 was chosen because it is one beyond the last index used by # the standard RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl distribution: my $INDEX_BG = 7; my $INDEX_TS = 8; sub RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::add_bgcolors { my ($self, @aArg) = @_; my @array; # Install our new list of RTF commands in the object. $self->[$INDEX_BG] = \@array; # See if we got _any_ args: unless (@aArg and grep defined($_), @aArg) { # Default is color 0, which is the document default (probably # 'white' or 'none' or null): @aArg = ('0'); } # unless # Convert arrayref argument to regular array: @aArg = @{$aArg[0]} if ((@aArg == 1) && ref($aArg[0])); foreach my $spec (@aArg) { push @array, "\\clcbpat$spec"; } # foreach # No return value. } # RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::add_bgcolors sub RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::add_tabstops { my $self = shift; $self->[$INDEX_TS] = \@_; } # RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::add_tabstops sub RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::add_borders { my $self = shift; $self->make_border_decl(@_); } # RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::add_borders sub RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::cell_content_init { my $self = shift; my $raAlign = $self->[5] || []; my $raTabs = $self->[$INDEX_TS] || []; my $iMax = @$raAlign; $iMax = @$raTabs if (@$raAlign < @$raTabs); my @aRet; for (1..$iMax) { push @aRet, join('', shift(@$raAlign) || '', shift(@$raTabs) || +''); } # for # print STDERR " cell_content_init is ", Dumper(\@aRet); return @aRet; } # RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::cell_content_init sub RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::decl_code { # This function copied from and 4 lines added (the # 4 lines that contain 'bg'). my $it = shift; return $it->[6] if defined $it->[6]; my $reaches = $it->[0]; my $cell_count = int($_[0] || 0) || scalar @$reaches; if ($cell_count > @$reaches) { # Uncommon case -- we need to ad-hoc pad this decl. $reaches = [@$reaches]; # so we won't mutate the original while (@$reaches < $cell_count) { if (@$reaches == 0) { push @$reaches, $it->[1] + 1440; # sane and noticeable default width, I think: 1 inch, 2.54cm } elsif (@$reaches == 1) { push @$reaches, 2 * $reaches->[0] - $it->[1]; # The left-margin setting } else { push @$reaches, 2 * $reaches->[-1] - $reaches->[-2]; # i.e., last + (last - one_before) # DEBUG and printf "Improvised the width %d based on %d,%d\n +", # $reaches->[-1], $reaches->[-3], $reaches->[-2]; } } # while } # if not enough reaches to fulfill cell_count my @borders = @{ $it->[3] || [] }; push @borders, ($borders[-1]) x ($cell_count - @borders) if @borders > 0 and @borders < $cell_count; my @valign = @{ $it->[4] || [] }; push @valign , ($valign[-1] ) x ($cell_count - @valign ) if @valign > 0 and @valign < $cell_count; # Or should I have it default to a lack of any alignment code? my @bgcolors = @{ $it->[$INDEX_BG] || [] }; push @bgcolors, ($bgcolors[-1]) x ($cell_count - @bgcolors) if @bgcolors > 0 and @bgcolors < $cell_count; # Cache it for next time (and there usually are many next-times): $it->[6] = \join('', sprintf("\\trowd\\trleft%d\\trgaph%d\n", $it->[1], int($it->[2] / 2) ), map ( sprintf("%s%s%s\\cellx%d\n", (shift(@borders ) || ''), (shift(@valign ) || ''), (shift(@bgcolors) || ''), $_, ), # sprintf @$reaches ), # map ); # join # DEBUG and print "Init code:\n", ${ $it->[6] }, "\n\n"; return $it->[6]; } # RTF::Writer::TableRowDecl::decl_code } # end of BEGIN block __END__