in reply to Re^2: What can be the reasons for bad request ??
in thread What can be the reasons for bad request ??

I notice you're explicitly using Net::SSLeay and you've commented out LWP. When I work with SSL, I continue using LWP and when LWP sees an HTTPS URL, it just auto-magically uses Crypt::SSLeay to open the SSL connection. I never have to use Net::SSLeay anywhere in my code. Is there a specific reason you're using Net::SSLeay directly?

From the SSL readme with LWP:


The libwww-perl package has support for using SSL/TLSv1 with its HTTP
client and server classes. This support makes it possible to access
https schemed URLs with LWP. Because of the problematic status of
encryption software in general and certain encryption algorithms in
particular, in several countries, libwww-perl package doesn't include
SSL functionality out-of-the-box.

Encryption support is obtained through the use of Crypt::SSLeay or
IO::Socket::SSL, which can both be found from CPAN. While libwww-perl
has "plug-and-play" support for both of these modules (as of v5.45),
the recommended module to use is Crypt::SSLeay. In addition to
bringing SSL support to the LWP package, IO::Socket::SSL can be used
as an object oriented interface to SSL encrypted network sockets.

There is yet another SSL interface for perl called Net::SSLeay. It has
a more complete SSL interface and can be used for web client
programming among other things but doesn't directly support LWP.

The underlying SSL support in all of these modules is based on OpenSSL
<> (formerly SSLeay). For WWW-server side SSL
support (e.g. CGI/FCGI scripts) in Apache see <>.



-- Yeah, I'm a Delt.
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Re^4: What can be the reasons for bad request ??
by erroneousBollock (Curate) on Sep 09, 2007 at 06:02 UTC
    Further to this, when you do need to use Net::SSLeay (such as when writing an SSL capable network server) there are already modules which quite capably abstract the SSL part of the communications (eg: IO::Socket::SSL, HTTP::Daemon::SSL, etc).

    Pretty much the only time you need to use Net::SSLeay directly is when you're doing something strange like:

    • being specific about SSL versions and capabilities (partially covered in IO::Socket::SSL),
    • verifying peer certificates and other certificates in their chain-of-trust (partially covered in IO::Socket::SSL),
    • implementing non-standard extensions to SSL.

    I find Net::SSLeay most useful for its documentation of the SSL related options (most of which can be used by IO::Socket::SSL and LWP through Crypt::SSLeay).


Re^4: What can be the reasons for bad request ??
by Sham (Novice) on Sep 10, 2007 at 12:26 UTC
    This is what I was iplementing previously by using the LWP::UserAgent. 1. Firstly I was getting the error as : LWP::UserAgent::_need_proxy: Not proxied I could not get which value should I put variable ENV{HTTP_PROXY}, I did try for my network's proxy address with port 8080 as well as with 443(I was not sure for this) but I could not fix the problem. 2 Secondly I could not create the required headers with this method. As I need to pass 'POST /AUTHORIZE HTTP/1.1'(not in key value form but simple text) this text with the header when Unless I send complete header info their server will not respond. So I tried to have specific implemetation for SSL that is the reason I used NET::SSLeay. Here is the code I was using.
    use strict; use Data::Dumper; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Headers; use LWP::Debug qw(+); my $method = 'POST'; my $host = ''; my $uri = '/authorize'; $uri = ''; ## This is the fake request we are generating my $xmlRequest = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'. '<Request>'. '<NewOrder>'. '<IndustryType>EC</IndustryType>'. '<MessageType>A</MessageType>'. '<BIN>000002</BIN>'. '<TerminalID>001</TerminalID>'. '<AccountNum>4111111111111111</AccountNum>'. '<Exp>102009</Exp>'. '<CurrencyCode>840</CurrencyCode>'. '<CurrencyExponent>2</CurrencyExponent>'. '<CardSecVal>213</CardSecVal>'. '<AVSzip>33408</AVSzip>'. '<AVSaddress1>test address</AVSaddress1>'. '<AVScity>miami</AVScity>'. '<AVSstate>Florida</AVSstate>'. '<AVSphoneNum>5618926384</AVSphoneNum>'. '<AVSname>Raj Malahotra</AVSname>'. '<AVScountryCode>US</AVScountryCode>'. '<AVSDestzip>33408</AVSDestzip>'. '<AVSDestaddress1>Dest addresss</AVSDestaddres +s1>'. '<AVSDestcity>testcity</AVSDestcity>'. '<AVSDeststate>Florida</AVSDeststate>'. '<AVSDestname>Raj Malahotra</AVSDestname>'. '<AVSDestcountryCode>US</AVSDestcountryCode>'. '<CustomerProfileFromOrderInd>A</CustomerProfi +leFromOrderInd>'. '<OrderID>091933208935</OrderID>'. '<Amount>15.00</Amount>'. '<BMLShippingCost>15.00</BMLShippingCost>'. + '<BMLTNCVersion>5</BMLTNCVersion>'. + '</NewOrder>'. '</Request>'; my $MIME_Version = '1.1'; my $content_type = 'application/PTI42'; my $content_length = length($xmlRequest); my $content_transfer_encoding = 'text'; my $request_number = '1'; my $document_type = 'Request'; my $header = HTTP::Headers->new; $header->header ( 'MIME-Version' => $MIME_Version, 'Content-Type' => $content_type, 'Content-length' => $content_length, + 'Content-transfer-encoding' => $content_transfer_encodi +ng, 'Request-number' => $request_number, 'Document-type' => $document_type, + ); my $fix_headres = 'POST /AUTHORIZE HTTP/1.1' . "\r\n" . $header; my $HTTP_req = HTTP::Request->new($method,$uri,$header,$xmlRequest) ; my $UserAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); #$UserAgent->env_proxy; my $host_response = $UserAgent->request($HTTP_req); #print STDERR "\n========= headers ======== \n" . Dumper($header) +; #print STDERR "\n========= request ======== \n" . Dumper($HTTP_re +q); #print STDERR "\n========= response ======== \n" . Dumper($host_r +esponse); __END__
    When I use the variable $fix_headres(which is created externally with the required headers) in the HTTP::Request->new($method,$uri,$fix_headres,$xmlRequest) it gives error of bad headers. Please suggest on this issue where should I concentrate. Thanks... SHAM.