I've needed to write a parser to handle a limited grammar, in order to allow experienced users to specify the values to go in each column of a report (as described in How to parse a limited grammar).

I didn't want to use on of the standard modules like Parse::RecDescent or Parse::YAPP because (1) it felt like overkill and (2) I wanted to try out some of the parsing techniques I've read about. I have no formal CS background, so the whole area was quite fuzzy for me, and the best way of learning is by implementing.

Well, thanks to the advice of various people, and with some inspiration from HOP and Breaking The Rules II, I now have a working parser, which handles everything I need, including:

It only handles single statements, which is its intended purpose, and is decidedly less flexible than a real language, but it is lightweight and does the job. The result of parsing a statement is a code ref, which can be deref'ed to return the actual 'runtime' value. I have no idea what you would call this type of parser, or whether I should have created a stack of ASTs instead of using closures, but I took a guess that, given that I was going to call each statement thousands of times, using closures would be more efficient than ASTs - I haven't tried the other route, so I may well be wrong.

I learned a few lessons on the way:

Now that I have a working prototype, I'd be interested in hearing criticism.

The code is below (including a test suite) - the only requirement is Data::Dump::Streamer.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Data::Dump::Streamer; my %Parsers = ( 'NUM' => \&_parse_literal, 'LITERAL' => \&_parse_literal, 'ASSIGNMENT' => \&_parse_assignment, 'VAR' => \&_parse_var, 'METHOD' => \&_parse_method, 'FUNC' => \&_parse_func, 'FILTER' => \&_parse_filter, 'PARAM_LIST' => \&_parse_param_list, 'OP' => \&_parse_op, 'NOT' => \&_parse_not, 'TERM' => \&_parse_term, 'OPEN' => \&_parse_deref, 'EXPRESSION' => \&_parse_expression, 'CLAUSE' => \&_parse_clause, ); my %OPs = ( '*' => [ 6, sub { $_[0]->() * $_[1]->() } ], '/' => [ 6, sub { $_[0]->() / $_[1]->() } ], '+' => [ 5, sub { $_[0]->() + $_[1]->() } ], '-' => [ 5, sub { $_[0]->() - $_[1]->() } ], '&&' => [ 3, sub { $_[0]->() && $_[1]->() } ], '||' => [ 2, sub { $_[0]->() || $_[1]->() } ], ); my %Terms = ( map {$_ => 1} qw(NUM NOT LITERAL ASSIGNMENT VAR FUNC) ) +; my %Derefs = ( '{' => [ 'HASH', 'key', '}', sub { $_[0]->{ $_[1] } +} ], '[' => [ 'ARRAY', 'index', ']', sub { $_[0]->[ $_[1] ] +} ], ); ## parse("statement",{vars},{funcs}) #=================================== sub parse { #=================================== my $text = shift; my %state = ( vars => shift @_, funcs => shift @_, tokens => tokenise($text), ); my $sub = $Parsers{EXPRESSION}->( \%state ) || sub { }; if ( @{ $state{tokens} } ) { die "Still have unprocessed tokens :" . Dump( @{ $state{tokens} } )->Out; } return ( $sub, \%state ); } ## EXPRSSSION [OP|FILTER EXPRESSION|{HASH DEREF}|[ARRAY DEREF]] #=================================== sub _parse_expression { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; my $expression = $Parsers{CLAUSE}->($state) || return; # OP EXPRESSION while ( $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0] ) { return $expression unless defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] =~ /^OP|FILTER|OPEN/; $expression = $Parsers{ $next_token->[0] }->( $state, $express +ion ); } return $expression; } ## (EXPRESSION) | TERM #=================================== sub _parse_clause { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; # ( EXPRESSION ) if ( defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] eq 'PAREN' && $next_token->[1] eq '(' ) { shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $expression = $Parsers{EXPRESSION}->($state); $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; die "Missing closing parenthesis" unless defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] eq 'PAREN' && $next_token->[1] eq ')'; shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; return $expression; } return $Parsers{TERM}->($state); } ## OP CLAUSE #=================================== sub _parse_op { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $expression = shift; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my ( $precedence, $op ) = @{ $OPs{ $token->[1] } }; my $clause = $Parsers{CLAUSE}->($state) || die "Missing clause after $token->[1]"; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; # Next token has higher precedence $clause = $Parsers{OP}->( $state, $clause ) if defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] eq 'OP' && $OPs{ $next_token->[1] }[0] > $precedence; return sub { $op->( $expression, $clause ) }; } ## DEREF VAR #=================================== sub _parse_deref { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $var_expression = shift; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; die "Unmatched '$token->[1]'" unless exists $Derefs{ $token->[1] }; my $deref = $Derefs{ $token->[1] }; my $key_expression = $Parsers{EXPRESSION}->($state) || die "Missing $deref->[1] when dereferencing $deref->[0]"; $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; die "Missing closing $deref->[2]" unless defined $token && $token->[0] eq 'CLOSE' && $token->[1] eq $deref->[2]; my $ref_type = $deref->[0]; my $deref_code = $deref->[3]; return sub { my $var = $var_expression->(); die "Var is not of type '$ref_type'" unless ref $var && ref $var eq $ref_type; my $key = $key_expression->(); return $deref_code->( $var, $key ); }; } ## ! CLAUSE #=================================== sub _parse_not { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $clause = $Parsers{CLAUSE}->($state) || die "Missing clause after !"; return sub { !$clause->() }; } ## NUM | NOT | LITERAL | ASSIGNMENT | VAR | FUNC #=================================== sub _parse_term { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; return unless defined $next_token && exists $Terms{$next_token->[0]}; return $Parsers{ $next_token->[0] }->($state); } ## $ | $VAR [.METHOD] #=================================== sub _parse_var { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $vars = $state->{vars}; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $var_name = $token->[1] || ''; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; my $var = sub { die "Undefined var '\$$var_name'" unless exists $vars->{$var_n +ame}; $vars->{$var_name}; }; return $var unless defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] eq 'METHOD'; return $Parsers{ $next_token->[0] }->( $state, $var ); } ## $ | $VAR = EXPRSSSION #=================================== sub _parse_assignment { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $vars = $state->{vars}; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $var_name = $token->[1] || ''; my $expression = $Parsers{EXPRESSION}->($state) || die "No expression passed to assignment"; return sub { $vars->{$var_name} = $expression->(); } } ## .METHOD(PARAM_LIST) [.METHOD] #=================================== sub _parse_method { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $object = shift; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $method_name = $token->[1]; my @param_list = @{ $Parsers{PARAM_LIST}->($state) }; my $method = sub { return $object->()->$method_name( map { $_->() } @param_list ) +; }; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; if ( defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] eq 'METHOD' ) { return $Parsers{METHOD}->( $state, $method ); } return $method; } ## | FILTER(PARAM_LIST) #=================================== sub _parse_filter { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $expression = shift; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $funcs = $state->{funcs}; my $filter_name = $token->[1]; my @param_list = @{ $Parsers{PARAM_LIST}->($state) }; return sub { die "Undefined filter '$filter_name'" unless exists $funcs->{$filter_name}; return $funcs->{$filter_name} ->( map { $_->() } ( @param_list, $expression ) ); }; } ## FUNC(PARAM_LIST) [.METHOD] #=================================== sub _parse_func { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $funcs = $state->{funcs}; my $func_name = $token->[1]; my @param_list = @{ $Parsers{PARAM_LIST}->($state) }; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; my $func = sub { die "Undefined function '$func_name'" unless exists $funcs->{$func_name}; return $funcs->{$func_name}->( map { $_->() } @param_list ); }; return $func unless defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] eq 'METHOD'; return $Parsers{ $next_token->[0] }->( $state, $func ); } ## ([PARAM[,PARAM]]) #=================================== sub _parse_param_list { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0]; return [] unless defined $next_token && $next_token->[0] eq 'PAREN' && $next_token->[1] eq '('; shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my @param_list; while ( my $next_token = $state->{tokens}[0] ) { die "Missing closing parenthesis on param list" unless defined $next_token; if ( $next_token->[0] eq 'COMMA' ) { shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; next; } last if $next_token->[0] eq 'PAREN' && $next_token->[1] eq ')' +; push @param_list, $Parsers{EXPRESSION}->($state); } shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; return \@param_list; } ## LITERAL #=================================== sub _parse_literal { #=================================== my $state = shift; my $token = shift @{ $state->{tokens} }; my $literal = $token->[1]; return sub {$literal}; } # Breaks up the text into an array of tokens #=================================== sub tokenise { #=================================== my $tokeniser = _get_tokeniser(@_); my @tokens; while ( my $token = $tokeniser->() ) { # Reassemble ['OP','-'], ['NUM',123] # into ['NUM','-123'] where appropriate if ( $token->[0] eq 'NUM' && defined $tokens[-1] && $tokens[-1][0] eq 'OP' && $tokens[-1][1] =~ /[-+]/ && ( !defined $tokens[-2] || $tokens[-2][0] =~ /^OP|NOT$/ ) ) { $token->[1] = $tokens[-1][1] eq '+' ? $token->[1] : 0 - $t +oken->[1]; pop @tokens; } push @tokens, $token; } return \@tokens; } # Returns a stream of tokens #=================================== sub _get_tokeniser { #=================================== my $text = shift; $text = '' unless defined $text; my $atom = qr/[a-zA-Z_]\w*/o; return sub { TOKEN: { return [ 'NUM', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G ((?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?)) / +gcx; return [ 'LITERAL', $2 ] if $text =~ /\G (['"]) (.*?) (?<!\\) \1/gcxs; return [ 'ASSIGNMENT', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G \$ ($atom) \ +s* = /gcx; return [ 'VAR', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G \$ ($atom)? /gcxo; return [ 'METHOD', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G \.($atom) /gcxo; return [ 'OPEN', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G ([{[]) /gcx; return [ 'CLOSE', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G ([}\]]) /gcx; return [ 'PAREN', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G ([()]) /gcx; return [ 'COMMA', '' ] if $text =~ /\G , /gcx; return [ 'NOT', '' ] if $text =~ m{\G ! }gcx; return [ 'OP', $1 ] if $text =~ m{\G (\Q||\E | && | [-+*/] +) }gcx; return [ 'FILTER', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G \| \s* ($atom) /gc +xo; return [ 'FUNC', $1 ] if $text =~ /\G ($atom) /gcxo; redo TOKEN if $text =~ /\G \s+ /gcx; my $pos = pos $text || 0; if ( $text =~ /\G (.+)/gcx ) { substr( $text, $pos, 0 ) = ' HERE-> '; die "Syntax error ' $1 ' : ' $text ' "; } return; } }; } ############################# END PARSER ############################# +####### # Dummy class for method testing package Foo; sub new { bless( {}, 'Foo' ); } sub bar { shift; return 'Bar', @_; } ######### TESTS ############# package main; run_tests(@ARGV); sub run_tests { my $test_no = shift; my @tests = ( 'BLANK', [ q{}, [] ], 'INTS & LITERALS', [ q{0}, 0 ], [ q{1}, 1 ], [ q{2}, 2 ], [ q{''}, '' ], [ q{'abc'}, 'abc' ], [ qq{'abc\ndef'}, "abc\ndef" ], 'INTS & LITERALS in ()', [ q{('abc')}, 'abc' ], [ q{(0)}, 0 ], [ q{(2)}, 2 ], 'VARS', [ q{$lang}, 'English' ], [ q{($lang)}, 'English' ], 'FUNCS', [ q{caps('lower')}, 'LOWER' ], [ q{caps('lower',$lang)}, [ 'LOWER', 'ENGLISH' ] ], 'FILTER', [ q{$lang | caps}, 'ENGLISH' ], [ q{$lang | caps('lower')}, [ 'LOWER', 'ENGLISH' ] ], 'METHODS', [ q{}, 'Bar' ], [ q{'Foo')}, [ 'Bar', 'Foo' ] ], [ q{'Foo') | caps('other')}, [ 'OTHER', 'BAR', 'FO +O' ] ], 'DEREF', [ q($hash{'name'}{'first'}), 'John' ], [ q($hash{'name'}{'third'}), undef ], [ q{$array[2]}, 'third' ], [ q{$array[-3]}, 'second' ], 'LOGIC', [ q{2 || 3}, 2 ], [ q{2 || 0}, 2 ], [ q{0 || 3}, 3 ], [ q{0 || 0}, 0 ], [ q{2 && 3}, 3 ], [ q{2 && 0}, 0 ], [ q{0 && 3}, 0 ], [ q{0 && 0}, 0 ], [ q{2 || 3 && 4}, 2 ], [ q{2 || 0 && 4}, 2 ], [ q{2 || 3 && 0}, 2 ], [ q{2 || 0 && 0}, 2 ], [ q{0 || 3 && 4}, 4 ], [ q{0 || 0 && 4}, 0 ], [ q{0 || 3 && 0}, 0 ], [ q{0 || 0 && 0}, 0 ], [ q{2 && 3 || 4}, 3 ], [ q{2 && 0 || 4}, 4 ], [ q{2 && 3 || 0}, 3 ], [ q{2 && 0 || 0}, 0 ], [ q{0 && 3 || 4}, 4 ], [ q{0 && 0 || 4}, 4 ], [ q{0 && 3 || 0}, 0 ], [ q{0 && 0 || 0}, 0 ], [ q{(2 || 3) && 4}, 4 ], [ q{(2 || 0) && 4}, 4 ], [ q{(2 || 3) && 0}, 0 ], [ q{(2 || 0) && 0}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 3) && 4}, 4 ], [ q{(0 || 0) && 4}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 3) && 0}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 0) && 0}, 0 ], [ q{2 && (3 || 4)}, 3 ], [ q{2 && (0 || 4)}, 4 ], [ q{2 && (3 || 0)}, 3 ], [ q{2 && (0 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{0 && (3 || 4)}, 0 ], [ q{0 && (0 || 4)}, 0 ], [ q{0 && (3 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{0 && (0 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 0) && (0 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 0) && (0 || 5)}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 0) && (4 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 0) && (4 || 5)}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 3) && (0 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{(0 || 3) && (0 || 5)}, 5 ], [ q{(0 || 3) && (4 || 0)}, 4 ], [ q{(0 || 3) && (4 || 5)}, 4 ], [ q{(2 || 0) && (0 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{(2 || 0) && (0 || 5)}, 5 ], [ q{(2 || 0) && (4 || 0)}, 4 ], [ q{(2 || 0) && (4 || 5)}, 4 ], [ q{(2 || 3) && (0 || 0)}, 0 ], [ q{(2 || 3) && (0 || 5)}, 5 ], [ q{(2 || 3) && (4 || 0)}, 4 ], [ q{(2 || 3) && (4 || 5)}, 4 ], [ q{(0 && (0 && (0 || 0)))}, 0 ], [ q{(0 && (0 && (0 || 5)))}, 0 ], [ q{(0 && (0 && (4 || 0)))}, 0 ], [ q{(0 && (0 && (4 || 5)))}, 0 ], [ q{(0 && (3 && (0 || 0)))}, 0 ], [ q{(0 && (3 && (0 || 5)))}, 0 ], [ q{(0 && (3 && (4 || 0)))}, 0 ], [ q{(0 && (3 && (4 || 5)))}, 0 ], [ q{(2 && (0 && (0 || 0)))}, 0 ], [ q{(2 && (0 && (0 || 5)))}, 0 ], [ q{(2 && (0 && (4 || 0)))}, 0 ], [ q{(2 && (0 && (4 || 5)))}, 0 ], [ q{(2 && (3 && (0 || 0)))}, 0 ], [ q{(2 && (3 && (0 || 5)))}, 5 ], [ q{(2 && (3 && (4 || 0)))}, 4 ], [ q{(2 && (3 && (4 || 5)))}, 4 ], [ q{2 && 3 && 4}, 4 ], [ q{0 && 3 && 4}, 0 ], [ q{2 && 0 && 4}, 0 ], [ q{2 && 3 && 0}, 0 ], [ q{2 || 3 || 4}, 2 ], [ q{0 || 3 || 4}, 3 ], [ q{2 || 3 || 0}, 2 ], [ q{0 || 0 || 4}, 4 ], 'ARITHMETIC', [ q{1+2}, 3 ], [ q{5-2}, 3 ], [ q{3*4}, 12 ], [ q{18/3}, 6 ], [ q{10-2-3}, 5 ], [ q{27/3/2}, 4.5 ], [ q{2+3*4-12/3}, 10 ], [ q{(2+3)*4-12/3}, 16 ], 'SIGNED NUMBERS', [ q{-3}, -3 ], [ q{+3}, 3 ], [ q{3+3}, 6 ], [ q{-2-4}, -6 ], [ q{+3 + -4}, -1 ], 'NOT', [ q{ !3}, '' ], [ q{ !0}, 1 ], [ q{ !'abc'}, '' ], [ q{ !''}, 1 ], [ q{ !3 && 4}, '' ], [ q{ !0 && 4}, 4 ], 'CR in statement', [ qq{(2+3)\n*4-\n12/3}, 16 ], 'ASSIGNMENT', [q{$abc = 123},'123'], [q{$abc},'123'], [q{$abc = 123 + 24},'147'], [q{$abc},'147'], ); my @errors = ( [ q{,}, 'unprocessed' ], [ q{$lang,$lang}, 'unprocessed' ], [ q{.caps()}, 'unprocessed' ], [ q{$?}, 'Syntax error' ], [ q{3 && 4 || && 5}, 'Missing clause' ], [ q{$def}, 'Undefined var' ], [ q{func}, 'Undefined function' ], [ q{$lang | xyz}, 'Undefined filter' ], [ q{$}, 'locate object method' ], [ q{$}, 'unblessed' ], [ q($array{2}), "not of type 'HASH'" ], [ q{$hash[first]}, "not of type 'ARRAY'" ], [ q({'deref'}), 'unprocessed tokens' ], ); if ( defined $test_no ) { @tests = ( $tests[ $test_no - 1 ] ); $test_no--; } else { $test_no = 0 } my $vars = { lang => 'English', hash => { name => { first => 'John', second => 'Smith', '3' => 't +hree' } }, array => [ 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth' ], }; my $funcs = { caps => sub { return map {uc} @_; }, new_foo => sub { return Foo->new(@_); }, }; my $i = 1; foreach my $test (@tests) { unless ( ref $test ) { print "\n$test\n"; $i++; next; } eval { my ( $sub, $state ) = parse( $test->[0], $vars, $funcs ); my @expect = map { defined $_ ? $_ : '<undef>' } ref $test->[1] ? @{ $test->[1] } : $test->[1]; my @return = map { defined $_ ? $_ : '<undef>' } $sub->(); eval { die if @expect != @return; for ( my $j = 0; $j < @expect; $j++ ) { die if $expect[$j] ne $return[$j]; } }; if ($@) { die "Expected [" . join( ',', @expect ) . "], got [" . join( ',', @return ) . "] instead\n" . ( Dump($sub)->Out ); } print( $i+ $test_no, " : SUCCESS : $test->[0]\n" ); }; if ($@) { die( "Running test " . ( $i + $test_no ) . " : $test->[0]:\n $@\n" ); } $i++; } $i = 1; foreach my $test (@errors) { my ( $sub, $state ); eval { ( $sub, $state ) = parse( $test->[0], $vars, $funcs ); $sub->(); }; my $error = $@ || 'ERROR: No error thrown!'; my $regex = $test->[1]; if ( $error =~ m/$regex/ ) { print "Error test $i: SUCCESS : $test->[0]\n"; $i++; } else { die $test->[0] . " : $error" } } }

Thanks for the help in getting this done


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: A parser for a limited grammar (faster)
by tye (Sage) on Jan 14, 2008 at 17:43 UTC

    Since you are going to call these much more often then you parse them, you might want to optimize some expressions using string-eval. Rather than defining a closure that calls another closure for every single step in an expression, you could define a closure that evaluates the expression in-line.

    You could optionally define "make a Perl code string" functions for any operations you cared to and then, if all operands have string reps, then you use the "make a Perl code string" instead of the closure. When you get to the end of parsing the statement or to where you have an operation that has no "make a Perl code string" function or a mixture of operands w/ and w/o Perl code strings, then you use $sub= eval "sub { $code }" to get a closure, but a more efficient one.

    These "make a Perl code string" functions would look like "*" => sub { "($_[0])*($_[1])" } and Perl's own parser will optimize away most of the extra layers of parens and do constant folding.

    - tye        

Re: A parser for a limited grammar
by Rhandom (Curate) on Jan 14, 2008 at 17:16 UTC
    I almost replied to your earlier thread but didn't have time at the time. This is a great parser you have built. There were existing tools though that almost took you all of the way there - the problem is being able to find the tools.

    I'm the author of Template::Alloy which is Template engine that can do Template::Toolkit, HTML::Template, HTML::Template::Expr, and Text::TMPL. It has two methods which almost fit your job description.
    my $ta = Template::Alloy->new; my $expr = $self->parse_expr(\" 1 + 3 * 2 "); my $out = $self->play_expr($expr);

    I wanted to see what it would take to play against your test suite. I ended up adding the following code to the run_tests function:
    use Template::Alloy; my $t = Template::Alloy->new( V1DOLLAR => 1, UNDEFINED_ANY => sub { die "Undefined variable\n" }); local $t->{'_vars'} = $vars; foreach my $name (keys %$funcs) { $t->define_vmethod('TEXT', $name +, $funcs->{$name}) } # and later # inside the test forloop local pos($test->[0]) = 0; my $state2 = eval { $t->play_expr($t->parse_expr(\$test->[0])) }; $state2 = [] if ! defined $state2; @return = UNIVERSAL::isa($state2, 'ARRAY') ? @$state2 : ($state2); eval { die if @expect != @return; for ( my $j = 0; $j < @expect; $j++ ) { die if $expect[$j] ne $return[$j]; } }; # and later for the errors test local pos($test->[0]) = 0; eval { $t->play_expr($t->parse_expr(\ $test->[0])); die "Didn't mat +ch\n" if pos($test->[0]) != length($test->[0]) }; my $alloy_error = $@ ? do { my $e = $@; chomp($e); "Success ($e)" } + : 'No alloy error';
    That was it. It passed all of the tests that followed Template::Toolkit / HTML::Template::Expr syntax. The complete code I used can be seen here:

    The following tests didn't pass:
    [ q{$lang | caps('lower')}, [ 'LOWER', 'ENGLISH' ] ], [ q{'Foo') | caps('other') }, [ 'OTHER', 'BAR', 'F +OO' ] ], [ q($hash{'name'}{'first'}), 'John' ], [ q($hash{'name'}{'third'}), undef ], [ q{$array[2]}, 'third' ], [ q{$array[-3]}, 'second' ], [ q{+3}, 3 ],
    The first two didn't pass because your "filter" types allow array refs to be passed in while normal TT style filters do not - you also break the order of method passing in that the first parameter should be the item being filtered.

    The hash and array derefs didn't work because they are not currently supported by TT syntax - though I've been meaning to add support for that style of access for some time.

    The last item that didn't pass, didn't pass because I hadn't added support for prefix +. I'll add that for the next release. Oh, I also forgot that you allowed \n interpolation in single quoted strings which you probably shouldn't.

    So - I think it is great that you have done this. I should have posted earlier and I could have saved you some work. The Template::Alloy solution also gives you support for hex values (0xdeadbeaf), regex types (/foo/i), quoted lists (qw{foo bar baz}), plus there is a host of other operators and vmethods that make life easy.

    my @a=qw(random brilliant braindead); print $a[rand(@a)];
      Hi Rhandom, thanks for your reply.
      I'm the author of Template::Alloy which is Template engine that can do Template::Toolkit, HTML::Template, HTML::Template::Expr, and Text::TMPL. It has two methods which almost fit your job description.

      Actually, the first places I looked were Template and Template::Alloy, but you know those I've-got-to-make-a-decision-now-and-not-spend-time- figuring-out-if-another-module-will-work moments? Also, I wanted to avoid using a full blown module, as this was intended to be light weight (the original specs were a lot simpler than what it grew into by the time I finished). For instance, using Template::Alloy uses an extra 2.5MB over my 400 lines of code. The obvious cost here is that I don't get all the bells and whistles that come with a proper parser.

      The hash and array derefs didn't work because they are not currently supported by TT syntax - though I've been meaning to add support for that style of access for some time.

      I actually started off going down the TT style of : hash.key1.key2, but then the problem of identifying what should be interpreted as a literal and what as a function etc overwhelmed me, and I fell back to Perl's standard style instead. As I said in my original post - insufficient planning on my part.

      thanks again for your response


Re: A parser for a limited grammar
by moritz (Cardinal) on Jan 15, 2008 at 10:05 UTC
    It's probably too late now, but for the record I'd like to note that instead of using closures I'd prefer to build a "real" hash (or array) based abstract syntax tree (AST).

    The reasons are:

    • More flexible: when you expand your grammar you might run into things that are really hard and nasty to implement with closures, and much easier with an AST
    • More options: with an AST you can not only evaluate it, but also print it out nicely, or optimize it, or store it easily with Storable, serialize it with yaml, json or XML and hand it to another tool.
    • Easier debugging: It's much easier to dump the AST with Data::Dumper and the like
    • It's easier to add meta information later on that is ignored by most parts of the implementation, but may produce better error messages (think of line number in the parsed source)

    There are a few points in favor of closures, though: reading HOP, and perhaps speed (but I haven't seen benchmarks so far)