thickice97 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I wrote the following code for parsing an xml file. But with this the order is lost as I am using XML simple. What changes can I make for maintaining the order?
use XML::Simple; my $xml = XMLin('test.xsd'); my $TopLevel = 'DOC'; PrintResults('', $TopLevel); sub PrintResults { my $pre = shift; my $start = shift; return unless $start; $pre .= "." if $pre; #print "$pre$start\n"; my $xml_start = GetNode($start); return unless ref($xml_start); foreach my $key (keys %$xml_start) { if ($key ne "") { print "$pre$key\t$xml_start->{$key}->{minOccurs}\t$xml_start-> +{$key}->{maxOccurs}\n"; } # print "$pre$start.$key\n"; PrintResults("$pre$key", $xml_start->{$key}->{type}); } } sub GetNode { my $name=shift; #print "Name: $name\n"; return {$xml->{'xs:complexType'}->{$name}->{'xs:sequence'}->{' +xs:element'}->{name} => {type=>$xml->{ 'xs:complexType'}->{$name}->{'xs:sequence'}->{'xs:element'}->{type}}} +if exists($xml->{'xs:complexType'}->{$ name}->{'xs:sequence'}->{'xs:element'}->{name}); return $xml->{'xs:complexType'}->{$name}->{'xs:sequence'}->{'x +s:choice'}->{'xs:element'} if exists($ xml->{'xs:complexType'}->{$name}->{'xs:sequence'}->{'xs:choice'}->{'xs +:element'}); return $xml->{'xs:complexType'}->{$name}->{'xs:sequence'}->{'x +s:element'} if exists($xml->{'xs:compl exType'}->{$name}->{'xs:sequence'}->{'xs:element'}); return if exists($xml->{'xs:simpleType'}->{$name}->{'xs:restri +ction'}); die "Node name not found '$name'\n"; }