in reply to Re (tilly) 1: (Golf) Nearest Neighbors
in thread (Golf) Nearest Neighbors

Excellent solution. The interesting thing about Perl Golf is how different people tackle problems in terms of their favourite tools; map, sort, regex, grep, closures, slices or whatever.

Just for fun I ran your solutions through Perltidy as a test case. Here is the output:
sub nn { my @x = @_[0, 1]; @_ = sort { abs $x[0] - $x[1] < abs $a - $b or @x = ($a, $b); $a <=> $b; } @_; @x } sub nn { () = sort { abs $_[0] - $_[1] < abs $a - $b or @_ = ($a, $b); $a <=> $b; } @_; @_ }