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Re: Is the signal handler supposed to work like this?

by dpmott (Scribe)
on Sep 05, 2008 at 03:05 UTC ( [id://709171]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Is the signal handler supposed to work like this?

Thank you all for your input.

Many stated that ctrl-Z + newline would get the job done. I was unaware of this, and it does indeed work, so thanks for this tip.

My original goal was to get a single control character to break input without killing the script. In pursuit of that obscure goal, here's what I've since discovered:

1. Accessing SetConsoleCtrlHandler via Win32::API sounds promising, but causes an unhandled exception when a Ctrl-C is generated. Did I do something wrong?
#!perl use strict; use Win32::API; use Win32::API::Callback; use constant CTRL_C_EVENT => 0; use constant CTRL_BREAK_EVENT => 1; use constant CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT => 2; use constant CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT => 5; use constant CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT => 6; ###################################################################### +# # BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine( __in DWORD dwCtrlType ); my $cbfn = Win32::API::Callback->new( sub { my $type = shift; return 0 +; }, 'L', 'L' ); ###################################################################### +# # BOOL WINAPI SetConsoleCtrlHandler( __in_opt PHANDLER_ROUTINE Handle +rRoutine, __in BOOL Add); my $fn1 = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'SetConsoleCtrlHandler', 'KL', 'L +'); die "Can't get function handle" unless ($fn1); # The following line of code complains that PHANDLER_ROUTINE is an unk +nown type. Boo. Hiss. #my $fn = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'BOOL SetConsoleCtrlHandler(PHAND +LER_ROUTINE HandlerRoutine, BOOL Add)'); #die "Can't get function handle" unless ($fn); my $fn2 = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'SetConsoleCtrlHandler', 'LL', 'L +'); die "Can't get function handle" unless ($fn2); ###################################################################### +# # BOOL WINAPI GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(DWORD dwCtrlEvent, DWORD dwProc +essGroupId); my $fn3 = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'BOOL GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(DW +ORD dwCtrlEvent, DWORD dwProcessGroupId)'); die "Can't get function handle" unless ($fn3); print "Registering the callback function...\n"; die "Bad function call return value" unless $fn1->Call($cbfn, 1); # Generate a CTRL-C event that can be captured print "Generating a CTRL-C event...\n"; $fn3->Call(CTRL_C_EVENT, 0); print "Resetting the callback handler...\n"; my $return = $fn2->Call(0, 0); print "Done!\n";

2. I've decided, whether it was intended to be this way or not, that setting $SIG{INT} is a lot more useful for a spawned thread than it is for the main thread. Check this out:
#!perl -w use strict; print "Enter CTRL-C to end input\n"; my $lines = get_lines(); print "Enter CTRL-C to exit\n"; while ( 1 ) { local($") = ', '; print "You entered: @$lines\n"; sleep(1); } sub get_lines { use threads; local($SIG{INT}) = 'IGNORE'; $lines = threads->create( sub{ my @rv = <STDIN>; chomp @rv; return +\@rv } )->join(); }
Now, I have a three-line routine that will let me pipe data into it (like 'type file.txt | perl'), or get input from the command line (like 'perl'), and in the latter case the sensible ctrl-C works like the average UNIX person expects. (Yeah, it could be a two-line script if I move the 'use threads' line to the top of the file...)

I have something that works, so I'm a happy camper.

Now, back to my original question: are signal handlers supposed to work this way? Why couldn't I get it to work like this in the main thread, and why does it work like I expect only in a spawned thread?

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