Hi There, I am working on a query that will dynamiclly use an array. I want to put the process into a while loop and pass one value at a time to the where clause. I have tried this a couple of ways with placeholders. For some reason the process only returns the first index of the array. As the while loop iterates through the index, I print out the current array index and it works. I even pass the array value to the email / attachment and it works. It seems like the prepare statement, value, and placeholder get saved once. When the test reports are sent out...only the first report as data from the first array index. Is there a way to change this....Can I use the below process and put it into a while loop? Does Perl allow this? Thanks in advance.... I am at home...and I forgot my login...my user name is cocl04...or email me at cory.clay@rentacenter.com or cocl04@yahoo.com...Please help...I have been working on this for day...and I came across this posting tonight...Thanks...