in reply to Re: Fast, Efficient Union and Intersection on arrays
in thread Fast, Efficient Union and Intersection on arrays

It seems counterproductive to grep the b array twice. But it's actually faster than using one for loop.

I did a benchmark, and there is a 20% speed boost for doing two greps over just one for loop with short arrays (less than 10). The boost shrinks as the arrays grow in size. At array size ~50 boost is only about 8%.

use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark qw(cmpthese clearallcache); my @a = (1..50); my @b = (3..80); #two_greps(); #one_for(); #exit; print "Range ($a[0],$a[$#a]) vs ($b[0],$b[$#b])\n"; cmpthese( 100_000, { two_greps => \&two_greps, one_for => \&one_for, }); clearallcache(); @a = (1..5); @b = (3..8); print "Range ($a[0],$a[$#a]) vs ($b[0],$b[$#b])\n"; cmpthese( 100_000, { two_greps => \&two_greps, one_for => \&one_for, }); sub two_greps { my %hash; @hash{@a} = (1) x @a; my @union = @a, grep { !$hash{$_} } @b; my @intersection = grep { $hash{$_} } @b; # print "union @union\n"; # print "interstection @intersection\n"; } sub one_for { my %hash; @hash{@a} = (1) x @a; my @union = @a; my @intersection; foreach (@b) { if( exists $hash{$_} ) { push @intersection, $_ } else { push @union, $_ } } # print "union @union\n"; # print "interstection @intersection\n"; } __DATA__ Range (1,50) vs (3,80) Rate one_for two_greps one_for 5829/s -- -8% two_greps 6318/s 8% -- Range (1,5) vs (3,8) Rate one_for two_greps one_for 57143/s -- -17% two_greps 68823/s 20% --

Thanks for posting this thought provoking code.

TGI says moo