dxxd116 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello, Guys: Does anyone have experience in this situation? First, I established a socket connection to a socks5 proxy Server through the use of Net::SOCKS module. Then I realized that I try to enable SSL in order to communicate with the gmail smtp server through the "STARTTLS" command. Then I am lost, what should be done next in order to send an email through the socket? Codes are as below:
use Net::SOCKS; use Net::SSLeay; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Socket::SSL; use MIME::Base64 qw[encode_base64 decode_base64]; use Digest::HMAC_MD5 qw[hmac_md5_hex]; my $sock = new Net::SOCKS(socks_addr => '', socks_port =>9188, #user_id => 'the_user', #user_password => 'the_password', #force_nonanonymous => 0, protocol_version => 5); print "Cannot establish connection using socks!\n" if !$sock; print "Connecting to google gmail now!\n"; my $f= $sock->connect(peer_addr => '', peer_port => 587); open FH, ">:utf8","socks.txt"; my $line=<$f>; print $line ; print FH $line; print $f "EHLO localhost\n"; $line=<$f>; print $line; print FH $line; print $f "StartTLS\n"; $line=<$f>; print $line; print FH $line; #What is next?...