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Re: threads on Windows

by gone2015 (Deacon)
on Feb 12, 2009 at 10:27 UTC ( [id://743265]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to threads on Windows

I scattered print statements around to see if that told me any more about what is happening here -- as below. I tried this on Windows XP, Activestate 5.10.0 (1004).

What I saw was roughly what you described, the main thread seemed to hang trying to create the new thread (ie on the async in the MAIN_LOOP) -- but only until the input thread got something from STDIN.

I tried adding a sleep(2) after enqueuing the input (where shown in the code below). Now things worked more as expected -- the main thread no longer hangs.

Under Windows, what appears to be going on is: the main thread is hanging trying to create a new thread, while the input thread is waiting on STDIN.

Now... we know that when a new thread is created the entire state of the creator thread is duplicated. That includes filehandles. My guess (and this is only a guess) is that the duplication of STDIN is blocked while another thread is waiting on it (or otherwise "owns it").

If the main thread closes STDIN after creating the input thread, then all is well.

Trying to share an input across a number of threads is obviously tricky. I can see the logic of having an exclusive lock on a file handle -- who knows, it may even support multiple threads reading a line at a time from a shared filehandle. I don't know how *n*x deals with this.

So, I guess the lesson here is that tidiness is next to working code. When you no longer have a legitimate interest in a file handle, close the sucker.

use strict; use warnings; use threads; use Thread::Queue; $|++ ; # Create terminal watcher print "Create terminal watcher...\n"; my $Q_stdin = Thread::Queue->new; async { while (defined( $_ = <STDIN> )) { chomp ; print "\n+IN : '$_' " ; $Q_stdin->enqueue( $_ ) ; # print "|" ; sleep(2) ; ### Optional sleep() after inpu +t <<<< print "*" ; } ; }->detach; # close STDIN ; ### no longer our business + <<<< my $Q_found = Thread::Queue->new; my $cmd; print "Awaiting commands...\n"; MAIN_LOOP: while (not defined $cmd or $cmd !~ /^q/i) { print "_" ; sleep(1); # Reduce load print "." ; # Process commands $cmd = $Q_stdin->dequeue_nb; if (defined $cmd) { print "\n-IN : '$cmd' " ; if ($cmd =~ /^q/i) { print "\nResolving open threads\n"; } else { async { print "\n+OUT: '$cmd' " ; $Q_found->enqueue( $cmd ) ; }->detach; } } # Print announcements while (defined(my $output = $Q_found->dequeue_nb)) { print "\n-OUT: '$output' "; } }

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Re^2: threads on Windows
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Feb 12, 2009 at 16:52 UTC
    yikes! If <> blocks thread creation, you gotta wonder 1) what else <> blocks, and 2) what else can block thread creation.

        Sorry, this is a bit long, but this is the evidence on which I based my earlier remarks. If I have misinterpretted the evidence, then I shall be pleased to learn from my mistakes.

        Further experiment shows that the effect I observed is associated only with <> input from the console -- following these remarks by BrowserUk.

        I added stuff to the code to try to see what the exact sequence of operations was. Here's the code complete with instrumentation:

        use strict; use warnings; use threads; use threads::shared ; use Thread::Queue; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------- # Options my $YIELD = 0 ; # yield after async my $CLOSE_STDIN = 0 ; # close STDIN after dispatching Terminal Wat +cher my $INPUT_FILE = 0 ; # read from "file" not from STDIN foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg =~ m/^y/i) { $YIELD = 1 ; } elsif ($arg =~ m/^c/i) { $CLOSE_STDIN = 1 ; } elsif ($arg =~ m/^f/i) { $INPUT_FILE = 1 ; } else { die "don't recognise $arg" ; } ; } ; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------- # Instrumentation use IO::Handle ; use Time::HiRes qw(time) ; my $START = time() ; my @trace : shared = () ; sub trace { my ($s) = @_ ; my $when = time() - $START ; $s =~ s/\n/\\n/g ; { lock(@trace) ; push @trace, sprintf("%12.6f: (%2d) '%s'\n", $when, threads->tid() +, $s) ; } ; } ; sub stdin_state { my ($tag) = @_ ; my $state = "STDIN is: " .(defined(fileno(STDIN)) ? 'open' : 'closed +'). " $tag" ; print "$state\n" ; trace("$state") ; } ; my $IN = "fred\n" ."bill\n" ."john\n" ."mary\n" ."quit\n" ; if ($INPUT_FILE) { close STDIN ; open STDIN, "<", \$IN or die "failed to reopen STDIN" ; } ; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------- # The instrumented code # Create terminal watcher print "Create terminal watcher...\n"; my $Q_stdin = Thread::Queue->new; async { trace("Terminal Watcher started") ; while (1) { trace("Waiting for STDIN") ; last if !defined($_ = <STDIN>) ; trace("Input: '$_'") ; $Q_stdin->enqueue($_) ; } ; trace("Terminal Watcher terminating") ; }->detach; threads->yield() if $YIELD ; stdin_state("after Terminal Watcher dispatched") ; if ($CLOSE_STDIN) { close STDIN ; stdin_state("after close") ; } ; my $Q_found = Thread::Queue->new; my $cmd; print "Awaiting commands...\n"; trace("Entering MAIN_LOOP") ; MAIN_LOOP: while (not defined $cmd or $cmd !~ /^q/i) { trace("Top of MAIN_LOOP") ; sleep(1); # Reduce load # Process commands $cmd = $Q_stdin->dequeue_nb; if (defined $cmd) { trace("Dequeued '$cmd'") ; chomp $cmd; if ($cmd =~ /^q/i) { trace("'QUIT' command") ; print "Resolving open threads\n"; } else { trace("About to start child thread") ; async { trace("Child started") ; $Q_found->enqueue( $cmd ) ; trace("Child enqueued '$cmd' & terminating") ; }->detach; threads->yield() if $YIELD ; trace("Dispatched child thread") ; } } else { trace("Nothing to dequeue") ; } ; # Print announcements while (defined(my $output = $Q_found->dequeue_nb)) { trace("Output: '$output'") ; print ">$output\n"; } } trace("Left MAIN_LOOP") ; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------- print STDERR "-- with Yield after async\n" if $YIELD ; print STDERR "-- with Close STDIN\n" if $CLOSE_STDIN ; print STDERR "-- with Input from File" if $INPUT_FILE ; print STDERR sort @trace ;
        I tried to disturb the original code as little as possible.

        Running this on my uni-processor, Windows XP, Perl 5.10.0, I get:

        Create terminal watcher...
        STDIN is: open after Terminal Watcher dispatched
        Awaiting commands...
        Resolving open threads
        the instrumented code is doing what the original code did.

        Looking at the trace, I see:

            0.010775: ( 0) 'STDIN is: open after Terminal Watcher dispatched'
            0.011655: ( 0) 'Entering MAIN_LOOP'
            0.011695: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            0.011784: ( 1) 'Terminal Watcher started'
            0.011820: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
            1.021469: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            1.021611: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            2.022909: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            2.023037: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            2.703888: ( 1) 'Input: 'fred\n''
            2.704107: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
            3.024349: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'fred\n''
            3.024471: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'         ###
           14.330606: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
           14.330606: ( 1) 'Input: 'bill\n''
           14.330606: ( 2) 'Child started'
           14.330741: ( 2) 'Child enqueued 'fred' & terminating'
           14.330745: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
           14.330765: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           15.332046: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'bill\n''
           15.332174: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'
           17.485142: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
           17.485142: ( 1) 'Input: 'john\n''
           17.485142: ( 3) 'Child started'
           17.485277: ( 0) 'Output: 'fred''
           17.485289: ( 3) 'Child enqueued 'bill' & terminating'
           17.485527: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
           17.485623: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           18.486582: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'john\n''
           18.486729: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'
           19.648253: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
           19.648253: ( 1) 'Input: 'mary\n''
           19.648253: ( 4) 'Child started'
           19.648385: ( 4) 'Child enqueued 'john' & terminating'
           19.648389: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
           19.648404: ( 0) 'Output: 'bill''
           19.648753: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           20.649693: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'mary\n''
           20.649822: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'
           21.400773: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
           21.400773: ( 1) 'Input: 'quit\n''
           21.400773: ( 5) 'Child started'
           21.400902: ( 5) 'Child enqueued 'mary' & terminating'
           21.400911: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
           21.400921: ( 0) 'Output: 'john''
           21.401273: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           22.402213: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'quit\n''
           22.402345: ( 0) ''QUIT' command'
           22.402832: ( 0) 'Output: 'mary''
           22.403074: ( 0) 'Left MAIN_LOOP'
        The interesting thing is that at time 3.024471 -- marked ###, above -- the main thread is about to async a new child thread, but nothing happens until after the "Terminal Watcher" gets the next input line -- where there's a burst of apparently simultaneous activity.

        Now, I don't know how a thread inherits file handles. But whatever the procedure is, it appears to be blocked here until <STDIN> returns the next line. Note that the child thread doesn't go near STDIN or STDOUT. The main thread does output to STDOUT, but isn't blocking there.

        I note that when a thread is created, the creator may or may not continue to run -- so the new thread may or may not wait (on my uni-processor). Adding a yield after the async changes the order of events slightly -- but doesn't affect the apparent blocking at thread creation.

        As previously advertised, closing STDIN in the main thread, before it creates any child threads, causes the code to run "as expected"

        Z:\>perl c
        Create terminal watcher...
        STDIN is: open after Terminal Watcher dispatched
        STDIN is: closed after close
        Awaiting commands...
        Resolving open threads
        and the trace is:
        -- with Close STDIN
            0.009832: ( 1) 'Terminal Watcher started'
            0.009940: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
            0.010435: ( 0) 'STDIN is: open after Terminal Watcher dispatched'
            0.010642: ( 0) 'STDIN is: closed after close'
            0.010927: ( 0) 'Entering MAIN_LOOP'
            0.010955: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            1.021469: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            1.021572: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            2.022909: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            2.023017: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            2.894161: ( 1) 'Input: 'fred\n''
            2.894298: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
            3.024349: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'fred\n''
            3.024478: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'
            3.047132: ( 2) 'Child started'
            3.047330: ( 2) 'Child enqueued 'fred' & terminating'
            3.076179: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
            3.076338: ( 0) 'Output: 'fred''
            3.076676: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            4.085875: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            4.086001: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            5.087315: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            5.087388: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            5.588035: ( 1) 'Input: 'bill\n''
            5.588254: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
            6.088755: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'bill\n''
            6.088877: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'
            6.116493: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
            6.116650: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            6.117257: ( 3) 'Child started'
            6.117413: ( 3) 'Child enqueued 'bill' & terminating'
            7.110224: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            7.110354: ( 0) 'Output: 'bill''
            7.110874: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            8.111664: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
            8.111787: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            8.812672: ( 1) 'Input: 'john\n''
            8.812890: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
            9.113104: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'john\n''
            9.113239: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'
            9.134352: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
            9.134506: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
            9.135166: ( 4) 'Child started'
            9.135317: ( 4) 'Child enqueued 'john' & terminating'
           10.134573: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
           10.134705: ( 0) 'Output: 'john''
           10.135039: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           11.136013: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
           11.136139: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           11.666776: ( 1) 'Input: 'mary\n''
           11.666993: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
           12.137453: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'mary\n''
           12.137575: ( 0) 'About to start child thread'
           12.159439: ( 0) 'Dispatched child thread'
           12.159594: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           12.159905: ( 5) 'Child started'
           12.160045: ( 5) 'Child enqueued 'mary' & terminating'
           13.158921: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
           13.159051: ( 0) 'Output: 'mary''
           13.159388: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           14.160361: ( 0) 'Nothing to dequeue'
           14.160494: ( 0) 'Top of MAIN_LOOP'
           14.210433: ( 1) 'Input: 'quit\n''
           14.210596: ( 1) 'Waiting for STDIN'
           15.161801: ( 0) 'Dequeued 'quit\n''
           15.161932: ( 0) ''QUIT' command'
           15.162408: ( 0) 'Left MAIN_LOOP'
        which clearly shows that the starting of the child thread is no longer delayed by the <STDIN>.

        The OP reported that the close STDIN did not do the trick on a multi-processor. But it did with the addition of a semaphore that ensured that the main thread STDIN was closed before the Terminal Watcher reached the first <STDIN>.

        I tried to simulate this on my uni-processor by yielding immediately after the creation of the Terminal Watcher. This doesn't cause it to fail -- I thought perhaps the file handle could not be closed once the <STDIN> was running... but that does not seem to be the case.

        So this remains a puzzle. Which may be related to a misunderstanding of what's going on here. I look forward to enlightenment.

Re^2: threads on Windows
by kennethk (Abbot) on Feb 12, 2009 at 15:25 UTC

    Confirmed that adding sleep to my text input thread resolves the issue. I don't get any significant behavioral change w/ closing STDIN, so I conclude that the issue is that <> blocks (waiting on input) while the main thread is blocked at async (waiting for a free control), resulting in a race condition whenever the IO thread receives a line. The *NIX box has an unfair advantage here since it's running off a quad core, thus it has enough control to allow three threads at once. Since my ultimate plan was replacing the STDIN reading thread with a GUI thread, I'll have to see how it behaves with regard to control issues (I'm seeing run-time thread safety determination in my future...).

    Thanks so much for your help.

      Hmmm... that's odd. I found that the close STDIN did the job perfectly. I note you are using ActiveState perl v5.8.8 on a dual core machine -- while I have 5.10.0, single core... but have no way of knowing whether either accounts for the difference.

      Just in case: it's not necessary to have the sleep in the input thread and the close together... the close on its own does the trick (here).

      I wondered whether it made a difference if the input thread was blocked on the <STDIN> at the time the main thread did the close STDIN in the main thread to block or fail... which would be more likely on a dual core machine. However, I tried a threads->yield() before the close, and that didn't make any difference. (The input loop was definitely waiting for <STDIN> but the close completed successfully.)I suppose this could be different on 5.8.8 ?

      If you wanted to play with semaphores you could do:

      # Create terminal watcher print "Create terminal watcher...\n"; my $Q_stdin = Thread::Queue->new ; my $S_stdin = Thread::Semaphore->new(0) ; print "fileno(STDIN) = ", fileno(STDIN), "\n" ; async { $S_stdin->down() ; print "Reading STDIN, fileno=", fileno(STDIN), "\n" ; while (defined( $_ = <STDIN> )) { chomp ; print "\n+IN : '$_' " ; $Q_stdin->enqueue( $_ ) ; print "*" ; } ; }->detach; close STDIN ; ### no longer our business + <<<< print "STDIN is: ", defined(fileno(STDIN)) ? 'open' : 'closed', "\n" ; $S_stdin->up() ;
      which guarantees that the main thread has closed STDIN before the input thread touches it.

        Your new code inserted in does the trick, which makes me totally buy your explanation. Thanks a bunch.

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