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clp's scratchpad

by clp (Friar)
on Feb 22, 2009 at 08:02 UTC ( [id://745605]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Snippets Permuted Index without Stopwords

This script is a modification of code received from jdporter. The original code generates a permuted index of the perlmonks code Snippets titles.

I added two subroutines, to read a list of stopwords, and to determine if one of those stopwords was in a Snippet title. If found, that term would not be used as an index term in the permuted index.

This program should make a much smaller permuted index, without the clutter of index entries based on stopwords.

#!/usr/bin/perl # clpoda 2009.08.30 # Derived from use Getopt::Long; use LWP::Simple; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1; use HTML::Entities; use strict; use warnings; my $DEBUG = 0; my( $get_new, $by_titles, $permuted, $nostopwords )=(0)x99; GetOptions( 'getnew|new!' => \$get_new, 'titles|by_titles!' => \$by_titles, 'permuted!' => \$permuted, 'nostopwords!' => \$nostopwords, ); $get_new + $by_titles + $permuted + $nostopwords == 1 or die "Usage: $0 [-getnew] [-titles] [-permuted] [-nostopwords] (exa +ctly one)\n"; my @stopwords; read_stopwords (); # the files we refer to: my $snippets_data_file = 'snippets.pld'; # read/written by get_new; re +ad by the others my $last_date_file = 'snippets_last_date.pld'; # read/written by get_n +ew. # if title is not provided, the id will be used as the title. # XXX this really should be made to get the title from the xml record. sub get_one_snippet { my( $id, $title ) = @_; warn "\tgetting $id\n"; local $_ = get( ";node_id=$id +" ); my( $author_id, $author_name ) = m#<author id="(\d+)">\s*(.*)</aut +hor>#; $author_id == 52855 and return(); my( $date ) = m#<node id=.* created="([^"]*)" updated=#; my( $desc ) = m#<field name="snippetdesc">\s*(.*?)</field>#s; $desc =~ s/\r//g; # any other cleanup needed? { id => $id, date => $date, author_id => $author_id, author_name => $author_name, desc => decode_entities($desc), title => decode_entities($title), } } my $snips = do $snippets_data_file; # load the snippets base (ref to A +oH) if ( $get_new ) { my %snips = map { ( $_->{'id'} => $_ ) } @$snips; # key by id warn scalar(keys %snips)." snippets already in local cache.\n"; my $last_date = do $last_date_file; my( $year, $mon, $mday ) = @{$last_date}{qw( year mon mday )}; # back the date up by a day or three # sure, we could use a module for this, but that would be # way heavier-weight than we need. Fuzzy is fine. if ( $mday > 1 ) { $mday--; } elsif ( $mon > 1 ) { $mon--; $mday = $mon == 2 ? 28 : 30; } else { $year--; $mon = 12; $mday = 31; } my $query = sprintf "yr=%04d;mo=%02d;dy=%02d", $year, $mon, $mday; warn "Querying for snippets posted since $query ...\n"; $query = "node_id=3989;nf=0;$query;re=N;Sn;go=Search;as_user=961"; + # anonymonk my $html = get( "".$query ); $html =~ /\(searched [.0-9]+% of DB\)/ or die "Failed to get good result from Super Search!"; my $n_added = 0; for my $tr ( $html =~ m#<tr>.*?</tr>#sg ) { local $_ = $tr; s/[\r\n]+//g; /<td><a href="\?node_id=1980">Snippet<\/a><\/td>/ or next; my( $y, $m, $d ) = m/<td>(\d\d\d\d)?(\d\d)?(\d\d)<\/td>/; my( $author_id, $author_name, $id, $title, ) = m/<td><a href="\?node_id=(\d+)">(.*?)<\/a><\/td>\s*<td><a href +="\?node_id=(\d+)">(.*?)<\/a><\/td>/; if ( $author_id == 52855 ) { warn "Skipping $id, owned by $author_name\n"; next; } if ( $snips{$id} ) { warn "Skipping $id, already got it.\n"; next; } my $r = get_one_snippet( $id, $title ); unless ( defined $r ) { warn "Bogus! No valid snippet data returned for $id ". qq("$title" by $author_name ($author_id)\n); next; } warn "Adding new snippet $id, posted on $y-$m-$d\n"; $snips{$id} = $r; $n_added++; } print $n_added ? "Added $n_added new snippets.\n" : "No new snippe +ts found.\n"; @$snips = values %snips; open F, ">", $snippets_data_file or die "write $snippets_data_file + - $!"; print F Dumper($snips); close F; my @now = gmtime; $last_date->{'year'} = $now[5] + 1900; $last_date->{'mon'} = $now[4] + 1; $last_date->{'mday'} = $now[3]; open F, ">", $last_date_file or die "write $last_date_file - $!"; print F Dumper($last_date); close F; exit 0; } =pod =begin comment typical: { 'id' => 248201, 'title' => 'Quick and Dirty Seti@home Server Status', 'author_name' => 'Mr. Muskrat', 'author_id' => 155876, 'date' => '2003-04-04 17:14:39', 'desc' => 'Perform a quick and dirty check of the Seti@home server +s.', } =end comment =cut sub header { my( $title, $ref_id, $ref_title ) = @_; my( $year, $mon, $day ) = (gmtime)[5,4,3]; my $date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $day; <<EOF <html><head><title>$title</title></head><body> <h1>$title</h1> <p>See <a href="$ref_id">$ref_title</a>. +</p> <p>Generated on $date</p> EOF } sub linkId { my( $id, $title ) = @_; if (0) { return defined $title ? "[id://$id|$title]" : "[id://$id]" } defined $title or $title = $id; qq(<a href="$id">$title</a>) } # by title/id if ( $by_titles ) { print header('PerlMonks Snippets - By Title',619683,'New Snippets +Index'), "<table>\n"; for ( sort { $a->{'title'} cmp $b->{'title'} or $a->{'id'} <=> $b->{'id'} } @$snips ) { my $d = $_->{'date'}; $d =~ s/ .*//; # strip off time part print '<tr><td>', linkId( $_->{'id'}, $_->{'title'} ), '</td><td>', linkId( $_->{'author_id'}, $_->{'author_name'} ), "</td><td>$d</td></tr>\n" } print "</table></body></html>\n"; exit 0; } # permuted title index if ( $permuted or $nostopwords ) { print header('PerlMonks Snippets - Permuted Titles',619691,'Snippe +ts Permuted Index'), "<pre>\n"; my @permut; for my $s ( @$snips ) { local $_ = $s->{'title'}; /untitled node/ and next; print "Analyzing input string .$_. \n" if $DEBUG; while ( /\b[\w]/g ) { my $p = pos; my $l = substr $_, 0, $p-1; my $r = substr $_, $p-1; # # Skip a record where a stopword is the index term # and if this cmd line option was specified: 'nostopwords' next if ( $nostopwords && stopword_record_found($r) ); # push @permut, [ $l, $r, $s ]; } } my $limit = 40; my $lmax = 0; for ( @permut ) { $lmax < length($_->[0]) and $lmax = length($_->[0]); } $lmax > $limit and $lmax = $limit; for my $p ( sort { lc($a->[1]) cmp lc($b->[1]) or $a->[2]{'id'} <=> $b->[2]{'id'} or lc($a->[0]) cmp lc($b->[0]) } @permut ) { my $l = $p->[0]; my $r = $p->[1]; my $id = $p->[2]{'id'}; #$l =~ /./ and $l = "[id://$id|$l]"; #$r =~ /./ and $r = "[id://$id|$r]"; #print qq(<tr><td align=right>$l</td><td>$r</td></tr>\n); if ( length($l) > $lmax ) { my $chop = length($l) - $lmax; # how many to chop substr( $l, 0, $chop ) = ''; } else { print ' ' x ( $lmax - length($l) ); } print linkId( $id, $l.$r ),"\n"; } print "</pre></body></html>\n"; exit 0; } # </pre></body></html> sub stopword_record_found { my @string = split (' ', shift); foreach my $w (@stopwords) { #D print "Now testing stopword .$w.\n"; if ( (lc $string[0]) eq $w ) { # A stopword was found. print "Stopword was found; input word .$string[0]. and sto +pword .$w. .\n" if $DEBUG; return 1; } } # Stopword was not found. #D print "Stopword was not found; returning 0 for word .$string[0] +. .\n"; return 0; } sub read_stopwords { # Terms removed from stopword list. # always # off # on # only #D my @stopwords2; @stopwords=qw( a about above according across actually adj after afterwards again against all almost alone along already also although among amongst an and another any anyhow anyone anything anywhere are aren't around as at be became because become becomes becoming been before beforehand begin beginning behind being below beside besides between beyond billion both but by can can't cannot caption co company corp corporation could couldn't did didn't do does doesn't don't down during each eg eight eighty either else elsewhere end ending enough etc even ever every everyone everything everywhere except few fifty first five for former formerly forty found four from further had has hasn't have haven't he he'd he'll he's hence her here here's hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers herself him himself his how however hundred i i'd i'll i'm i've ie if in inc indeed instead into is isn't it it's its itself last later latter latterly least less let let's like likely ltd made make makes many maybe me meantime meanwhile might million miss more moreover most mostly mr mrs much must my myself namely neither never nevertheless next nine ninety no nobody none nonetheless noone nor not nothing now nowhere of often once one one's onto or other others otherwise our ours ourselves out over overall own per perhaps rather recent recently same seem seemed seeming seems seven seventy several she she'd she'll she's should shouldn't since six sixty so some somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhere still stop such taking ten than that that'll that's that've the their them themselves then thence there there'd there'll there're there's there've thereafter thereby therefore therein thereupon these they they'd they'll they're they've thirty this those though thousand three through throughout thru thus to together too toward towards trillion twenty two under unless unlike unlikely until up upon us used using very via ve was wasn't we we'd we'll we're we've well were weren't what what'll what's what've whatever when whence whenever where where's whereafter whereas whereby wherein whereupon wherever whether which while whither who who'd who'll who's whoever whole whom whomever whose why will with within without won't would wouldn't yeah yes yet you you'd you'll you're you've your yours yourself yourselves 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ); } =head1 NAME generate_snip_indx_nostop - Generate permuted index of titles of code snippets from, ignoring stopwords. =head1 USAGE generate_snip_indx_nostop [-getnew] [-titles] [-permuted] [-nostopwo +rds] (exactly one) # Make a permuted index without showing any stopwords in the index pos +ition: generate_snip_indx_nostop -nostopwords =head1 OPTIONS One and only one of the following options must be specified: -getnew -titles -permuted -nostopwords B<-getnew> Retrieve metadata that does not yet exist on the local machine, from B<-titles> Print a list of titles of code snippets. B<-permuted> Print a list of titles of code snippets in the 'permuted' format, using each word from each title as an index term. B<-nostopwords> Print a permuted index that does not use any stopword as an index term. =head1 DESCRIPTION First, get a list of titles from Code Snippets section of the s +ite, using the -getnew option: generate_snip_indx_nostop -getnew Next, make a permuted index without stopwords, using the -nostopwords option: generate_snip_indx_nostop -nostopwords =head1 DEPENDENCIES The get_new function requires access to the web site (using LWP::Simple), to get titles of the code snippets. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS B<A title containing angle brackets is not handled correctly.> =over The angle brackets and any text inside them do not appear in the output. This does not apply to such brackets used in the corresponding URL for the title. Any text to the right of such a term is shifted to the left in the permuted index output line, causing the wrong text to be placed in the index term's location for that line. If other index terms for that line follow the angle brackets, those lines in the permuted index will also be misaligned by the number of missing spaces in the index term plus the two angle brackets. Eg, the line "Search for <n>th occurrence of regex" will produce entries shifted left by three spaces in the permuted index for these terms: <n>th, occurrence, and regex. Idea: Consider encoding angle brackets so they appear properly on the permuted index web page. =back =head1 SEE ALSO Snippets Permuted Index at Perlmonks: L<> =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The original Perlmonks permuted index program was provided by jdporter +. The list of stopwords was also from perlmonks: Removing Stopwords from a String, L<> =head1 AUTHOR C. Poda, clppm at =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut
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