#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w #Caution: Big mess ahead #TODO: # get .. working in dir listing # implement Getopt::Long # usage() function # log to syslog # daemonize # persistent connections use strict; use IO::Socket; my (@files, $req, $client); my $DOCROOT = '/home/arun/site/'; my %error_page = ( 403 => $DOCROOT.'403.html', # forbidden 404 => $DOCROOT.'404.html', # not found 406 => $DOCROOT.'406.html', # not acceptable 501 => $DOCROOT.'501.html' # not implemented ); $SIG{'INT'} = \&cleanup; my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalAddr => '', LocalPort => (shift || 4321), Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 5, ReuseAddr => 1 ) or die "$! \n"; $socket->listen(); &log("Listening on ".$socket->sockhost().":".$socket->sockport."\n"); while ($client = $socket->accept()) { &log("Connection from ".$client->peerhost().":".$client->peerport()."\n"); # get http request - first line $req = <$client>; &log($client->peerhost()." ".$req); &respond_to( &handle_req($req) ); close $client; } sub cleanup { close $socket; die "Interrupted. Exiting...\n"; } sub log { my $msg = shift; print scalar localtime," ", $msg; } sub getfiles { my $dir = shift; opendir DIR, $dir or die "open:$!\n"; # remove . and .. from list of files @files = grep { !/^\.(\.)?$/ } readdir DIR; closedir DIR; return \@files; } sub handle_req { my ($method, $uri) = split / +/, shift; if ($method !~ /^GET/) { &log("501 Not Implemented\nr"); return 501; } $uri =~ s/\/(.*)/$1/; # strip the first slash if (-e $DOCROOT.$uri) { if (-f $DOCROOT.$uri) { &log("200 HTTP OK\n"); return 200; } elsif (-d $DOCROOT.$uri) { &log("200 HTTP OK\n"); return 200; } else { &log("406 Not Acceptable\n"); return 406; } } else { &log("404 Not Found\n"); return 404; } } sub respond_to { my $status_code = shift; unless ($status_code == 200) { &display($error_page{$status_code}) if (-f $error_page{$status_code}); return; } my $uri = (split / +/, $req)[1]; $uri =~ s/\/(.*)/$1/; my $path = $DOCROOT.$uri; if (-f $path) { &display($path) ; return; } if (-d $path) { if (-f $path.'index.html') { &display($path.'index.html'); } else { &gen_dir_list($uri, &getfiles($path)); } } } sub display { my $file = shift; open RES, $file or die "open: $file: $!"; &log("Sending $file\n"); print $client $_ while (); close RES; } sub gen_dir_list { my ($uri, $files) = @_; &log("[info] dir listing request\n"); # print html header print $client < dir listing for: /$uri HEADER my ($count, $modification_time); foreach my $f (@$files) { # open $f to get its modification time if (-f $DOCROOT.$uri.'/'.$f) { open my $handle, $DOCROOT.$uri.'/'.$f or &log("open: $!\n"); $modification_time = scalar localtime((stat $handle)[9]); } else { opendir my $handle, $DOCROOT.$uri.'/'.$f or &log("opendir: $!\n"); $modification_time = scalar localtime((stat $handle)[9]); } printf $client "%s", # different colours for alternate rows (++$count % 2 ? '' : ''), # generate href links (-d $DOCROOT.$uri.'/'.$f ? '/'.$uri.$f.'/' : '/'.$uri.$f), # append a '/' to the end of dir names (-d $DOCROOT.$uri.'/'.$f ? $f.'/' : $f), $modification_time; } #print html footer print $client <

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