Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello monks!
I would like to ask if there is a way to "grow" a string...
If you have:
and you want the length of substring FGHI to reach, say 7. Can we add to FGHI, first E, then J, then D and stop?
The string is merely an example, because on my program, I won't know the format of the string beforehand.. I just end up with small substrings, which, if they have length less than 7, must be expanded both ways, in order to reach the limit of 7.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Can we "grow" a string?
by Corion (Patriarch) on Jun 17, 2009 at 08:31 UTC

    Do you mean you want to use substr?

    You haven't shown any relevant code of your program, so it's hard for us to help you better. If you show what code you have already written, that helps us to give you more succinct answers.

    Maybe you want to use a start position and a length, and decrease the start position and/or increase the length until your criteria are met. You haven't told us why/how you're arriving at FGHI, so it's hard to give you a different approach.

Re: Can we "grow" a string?
by citromatik (Curate) on Jun 17, 2009 at 08:50 UTC

    A simple way to accomplish this could be to use index in combination with substr:

    use strict; use warnings; my $str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; my $seed = "FGHI"; my $length = 7; my $slen = length $seed; my $ipos = index $str,$seed; my $lexpand = $slen < $length ? ($length - $slen)/2 : 0; $lexpand = $ipos < $lexpand ? $ipos : $lexpand; print +(substr $str,($ipos - $lexpand),$length),"\n";

    This outputs DEFGHIJ as expected. The problem raises when the "expanded" substring reaches the beginning or the end of the reference string.

    Update: Solved the limit cases:



      And, do you think you can put some boundaries too? For example, not let the expanded substring go pass letter C on the left or N on the right?

        I already gave you some working code to start playing with. I'm sure you can modify it to fit your own needs. You only need to understand how the snippet works. If you are confused by any part of the code, don't hesitate to ask again. Please, show me that you are more interested than me in solving your problem!


        Of course you can, but maybe you should take a step back and try to describe what problem you're trying to solve instead. Most of these solutions will involve writing actual code though, so maybe you can show what code you've written so far and where you encounter problems.

Re: Can we "grow" a string?
by ELISHEVA (Prior) on Jun 17, 2009 at 09:58 UTC
    Let's see:
    • you don't know the format of "the string"
    • you have a collection of small substrings (presumably taken from "the string")
    • you need to expand the substrings "both ways" - meaning padding at the beginning? padding at the end? some combination? with what? spaces? repetitions of the substring? some other character?

    Are your specifications really that general? Or are you trying to solve a more restricted problem? My suspicion is the latter, given that you have a precise size for the string. You can write such general solutions if you really need them, but is that really what you need? Maybe it would be worth your effort to narrow things down a bit?

    General solutions always take more time to implement than specific solutions. And they don't always save programming time for their users either. They just change what you program. The more general the solution, the more like a framework. The more like a framework, the more configuration data you need to plan and set-up to use. It will also be a lot harder to document and test. More abtraction means more explanation. It also means that code coverage alone may not be enough to test it. You also have to consider all possible inputs and consequent paths through the code.

    If you really do need a general purpose expand-in-place algorithm, you might want to consider using something similar to attributed strings:

    1. Break the string up into an array of subsequences. Both the expandable substrings and non-expandable substrings should get their own subsequence.
      • the non-expandable sub-sequences can be represented by the substring itself.
      • the expandable sub-sequences can be represented by an object. This object has one field (the substring), and one method (an algorithm to check its size and expand it). Substrings with different expansion algorithms can be assigned different object classes. Or if you don't like creating all of those classes, just add another field to your object. This extra field stores a code reference to your expansion algorithm. Your expansion method simply passes the string to this code reference and resets the substring field with the result.
    2. Pass the array of subsequences to a function that calls the expansion method on each object and reassembles the string by concatenating all of the expanded sub-sequences in order.

    Best, beth

Re: Can we "grow" a string?
by mscharrer (Hermit) on Jun 17, 2009 at 08:42 UTC
    This is supported by substr. Its perldoc says:
    You can use the substr() function as an lvalue, in which case EXPR must itself be an lvalue. If you assign something shorter than LENGTH, the string will shrink, and if you assign something longer than LENGTH, the string will grow to accommodate it. To keep the string the same length you may need to pad or chop your value using "sprintf".
Re: Can we "grow" a string?
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 17, 2009 at 12:59 UTC
    Well, actually my code is rather large and most variables include funny names because i want to remember what i have done...
    $arxeio_structures = $ARGV[0]; $arxeio_seqs = $ARGV[1]; $arxeio_align = $arxeio_seqs.'.align.final_align'; $/="//\n"; #apo to arxeio domwn apothikeuw +AC, akolouthia kai consensus tis topologias open DOMES, $arxeio_structures; while(<DOMES>) { if($_=~/^>(\w{6})\|.*?\t([\w\d\_]+)/m) { $structure_prot=$_; $tm_ac=$1; $tm_pfam=$2; if($structure_prot=~/^SEQ:(.*)/m) { $tm_seq=$1; } if($structure_prot=~/^CON:(.*)/m) { $tm_cons=$1; } } $hash_structure{$tm_ac} = $tm_seq; $hash_cons{$tm_ac} = $tm_cons; #$HoA_3D{$tm_ac} = [$tm_pfam, $tm_seq, $tm_cons]; # Ektypwsi +: print "$ac: @{ $HoA_3D{$ac} }\n"; $tm_ac=$tm_seq=$tm_cons=$tm_pfam=''; } close DOMES; $/="\n"; open ALIGN, $arxeio_align; #apo to arxeio alignment + apothikeuw kathe AC, tin antistoixi while(<ALIGN>) #stoixismeni seq kai apo pou + ksekinaei i seq tis stoixisis { #(giati exoume steilei mono to kommat +i pou xtypaei sto Pfam gia stoixisi) if($_=~/^(.*?)\|(\d+)-\d+\t(.*)/) { $ac_align=$1; $arxi_align=$2; $seq_align = $3; $hash_align{$ac_align}=$seq_align; $hash_start_align{$ac_align}=$arxi_align-1; } } close ALIGN; foreach $a(keys %hash_align) { if(exists($hash_structure{$a})) #an i akolouthia ex +ei 3-D domi, ftiaxnw neo LBL seq me vasi tis allages pou exei epifere +i i stoixisi (- kai .) { $seq_structure = $hash_structure{$a}; #print $seq_struc +ture."\n"; $lbl_structure = $hash_cons{$a}; #print $lbl_structure. +"\n"; $seq_apo_alignment = $hash_align{$a}; $thesi_arxis_alignment = $hash_start_align{$a}; @split_structure_lbl = split(//,$lbl_structure); @split_seq_apo_alignment = split(//,$seq_apo_alignment); $count_trash=0; for ($i=0; $i<=$#split_seq_apo_alignment; $i++) { if($split_seq_apo_alignment[$i] ne '-' && $split_seq_apo_a +lignment[$i] ne '.') { $thesi_wanted=$thesi_arxis_alignment + ($i-$count_tras +h); #print $i."\t".$split_seq_apo_alignment[$i]."\t".$coun +t_trash."\t".$thesi_wanted."\t".$split_structure_lbl[$thesi_wanted]." +\n"; $lbl_structure_new.=$split_structure_lbl[$thesi_wanted +]; } else { $count_trash++; #print $i."\t".$split_seq_apo_alignment[$i]."\t".$coun +t_trash."\t".$thesi_wanted."\t".$split_seq_apo_alignment[$i]."\n"; $lbl_structure_new.=$split_seq_apo_alignment[$i]; } } print $lbl_structure_new."\n"; while ($lbl_structure_new=~/[.-]*([^.-])(?:\1|[.-])*/g) { $arxi = $-[0]; $telos = $+[0]-1; $eidos = $1; push @AoA, [$eidos, $arxi, $telos]; } } else #ean i akolouthia den anikei se 3D dom +i, apla tin apothikeuw kai tin epeksergazomai parakatw { $not_3D{$a}=$hash_align{$a}; } } #for $i ( 0 .. $#AoA ) #{ # print "row $i is: @{$AoA[$i]}\n"; #} foreach $k(keys %not_3D) #pairnw twra tis akolouthi +es pou den exoun domi { $seq_no_3D=$not_3D{$k}; $copy_seq_no_3D=$seq_no_3D; #ftiaxnw antigrafo tis +akolouthias no3d kai diwxnw - kai . $copy_seq_no_3D =~ s/[-.]+//g; @split_copy_seq_no_3D=split(//, $copy_seq_no_3D); #split i akol +outhia align alla xwris - kai . @split_seq_no3D = split(//, $seq_no_3D); #split i original +akolouthia align print '>'.$k."\n"; print $seq_no_3D."\n\n"; $count_axrista=0; for $i ( 0 .. $#AoA ) { if($AoA[$i]->[0] eq 'I') { $arxi_I = $AoA[$i]->[1]; $telos_I = $AoA[$i]->[2]; $mikos_I = ($telos_I-$arxi_I)+1; $substring_I=substr($seq_no_3D,$arxi_I,$mikos_I); $axrista_I = ($substring_I =~ tr/-.//); $count_axrista=$axrista_I+$count_axrista; } elsif($AoA[$i]->[0] eq 'O') { $arxi_O = $AoA[$i]->[1]; $telos_O = $AoA[$i]->[2]; $mikos_O = ($telos_O-$arxi_O)+1; $substring_O=substr($seq_no_3D,$arxi_O,$mikos_O); $axrista_O = ($substring_O =~ tr/-.//); $count_axrista=$axrista_O+$count_axrista; } elsif($AoA[$i]->[0] eq 'M') #vriskw ola ta +TM kommatia tou AoA tis structure { $count_axrista_entering=$count_axrista; #print "row $i is: @{$AoA[$i]}\n"; $arxi_tm = $AoA[$i]->[1]; #arxi kai telos twn T +Ms stis seq twn ypoloipwn proteins tou align $telos_tm = $AoA[$i]->[2]; $mikos_tm = ($telos_tm-$arxi_tm)+1; $substring_M=substr($seq_no_3D,$arxi_tm,$mikos_tm); #print $substring_M."\t".length($substring_M)."\t".$arxi_t +m."\t".$telos_tm."\n"; $axrista_M = ($substring_M =~ tr/-.//); #yp +ologizw - kai . se kathe TM kommati $count_axrista_exiting=$axrista_M+$count_axrista; if($axrista_M>0) {$count_axrista=$count_axrista_exiting}; $substring_M=~ s/[-.]+//g; #diwnxnw ta +- kai . kai elegxw.... if(length($substring_M)>=7) to TM pou ap +omenei exei mikos >=7, eimaste OK kai to kratame, alliws... { $thesi_telikis_arxis = $hash_start_align{$k}+$arxi_tm +-$count_axrista_entering; $thesi_telikou_telous = $hash_start_align{$k}+$telos_t +m-$count_axrista_exiting; #print 'MIKOS_MIN_7'."\t".$substring_M."\t".length($su +bstring_M)."\t".$thesi_telikis_arxis."\t".$thesi_telikou_telous."\t". +'BIKA ME: '."\t".$count_axrista_entering."\t".'VGIKA ME: '."\t".$coun +t_axrista_exiting."\t".'AXRISTA MESA: '."\t".$axrista_M."\n"; push @AoA, [$k, ($thesi_M_se_arxiki_seq+$arxi_tm), ($t +hesi_M_se_arxiki_seq+$mikos_tm)]; } else #stis parakatw periptwseis pre +pei na prostethoun AA sto Tm ,wste na ginei toulaxiston mikos 7 { $extra_length=7-length($substring_M); $arxi_epomeno_kommati=$AoA[$i+1]->[1]; $telos_epomeno_kommati=$AoA[$i+1]->[2]; $mikos_epomeno_kommati=$telos_epomeno_kommati-$arxi_ep +omeno_kommati+1; $arxi_proigoumeno_kommati=$AoA[$i-1]->[1]; $telos_proigoumeno_kommati=$AoA[$i-1]->[2]; $mikos_proigoumeno_kommati=$telos_proigoumeno_kommati- +$arxi_proigoumeno_kommati+1; $substring_proigoumeno = substr($seq_no_3D,$arxi_proig +oumeno_kommati,$mikos_proigoumeno_kommati); #ayto to kanw giati mp +orei to epomeno/proigoumeno kommati na exei 10AA $substring_epomeno = substr($seq_no_3D,$arxi_epomeno_k +ommati,$mikos_epomeno_kommati); #alla ta 7 na einai - i . $substring_proigoumeno=~ s/[-.]+//g; $substring_epomeno=~ s/[-.]+//g; $actual_length_proigoumeno = length($substring_proigou +meno); $actual_length_epomeno = length($substring_epomeno); if($split_seq_no3D[$telos_tm] ne '-' && $split_seq_no3 +D[$telos_tm] ne '.' && ($split_seq_no3D[$arxi_tm] eq '.' or $split_s +eq_no3D[$arxi_tm] eq '-')) #edw prepei na proekteinw pros ta arister +a [typos: ---...XX] { print $substring_M."\t".length($substring_M)."\t".$arx +i_tm."\t".$telos_tm."\t".'PROIGOUMENO:'."\t".$substring_proigoumeno." +\t".'EPOMENO:'."\t".$substring_epomeno."\n"; if ($actual_length_epomeno-$extra_length<1 && $act +ual_length_proigoumeno-$extra_length<1) #an de mporw na paw pouthe +na, to afinw ws exei { $final_tm=$substring_M; $thesi_telikis_arxis = $hash_start_align{$k}+$arx +i_tm-$count_axrista_entering; $thesi_telikou_telous = $hash_start_align{$k}+$tel +os_tm-$count_axrista_exiting; print 'EXEI ALLAGI:'."\t".$substring_M."\t".length +($substring_M)."\t".$thesi_telikis_arxis."\t".$thesi_telikou_telous." +\t".'BIKA ME: '."\t".$count_axrista_entering."\t".'VGIKA ME: '."\t".$ +count_axrista_exiting."\t".'AXRISTA MESA: '."\t".$axrista_M.":: DE MP +ORW"; print substr($copy_seq_no_3D,$thesi_telikis_arxis, +($thesi_telikou_telous-$thesi_telikis_arxis+1)); last; } elsif($actual_length_proigoumeno-$extra_length>=1) + #an to mikos tou proigoumeno kommatiou-ex +tra_AA>1, kanw kanonika tin proektasi pros ta aristera { $thesi=index($copy_seq_no_3D,$substring_M); $extra_AAs = substr($copy_seq_no_3D,$thesi-$extra_ +length,$extra_length); $final_tm=$extra_AAs.$substring_M; #$thesi_telikis_arxis = $hash_start_align{$k}+$ar +xi_tm-$count_axrista_entering-$extra_length; #$thesi_telikou_telous = $hash_start_align{$k}+$te +los_tm-$count_axrista_exiting; $thesi_telikis_arxis = $arxi_tm-$count_axrista_en +tering-$extra_length; $thesi_telikou_telous = $telos_tm-$count_axrista_e +xiting; print 'EXEI ALLAGI:'."\t".$substring_M."\t".length +($substring_M)."\t".'ARXIKA'.($hash_start_align{$k}+$arxi_tm-$count_a +xrista_entering)."-".($hash_start_align{$k}+$telos_tm-$count_axrista_ +exiting)."\t".'TELIKA: '.$thesi_telikis_arxis."-".$thesi_telikou_telo +us."\t".'BIKA ME: '."\t".$count_axrista_entering."\t".'VGIKA ME: '."\ +t".$count_axrista_exiting."\t".'AXRISTA MESA: '."\t".$axrista_M."::"; print substr($copy_seq_no_3D,$thesi_telikis_arxis, +($thesi_telikou_telous-$thesi_telikis_arxis+1)); last; } else # to paw kai pros tis 2 kateuthinseis, arkei +ta oria tou telikou TM na apexoun toulaxiston kata 1 AA apo to proigo +umeno/epomeno kommati($actual_length_epomeno-$extra_length>=1 && $act +ual_length_proigoumeno-$extra_length<1) #an exw provlima me to mik +os tou proigoumeno kommatiou, alla to epomeno-extra_AA>1 paw pros ta +deksia anagkastika { =pod my $str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; my $seed = "FGHI"; my $length = 7; my $slen = length $seed; my $ipos = index $str,$seed; my $lexpand = $slen < $length ? ($length - $slen)/2 : 0; $lexpand = $ipos < $lexpand ? $ipos : $lexpand; print +(substr $str,($ipos - $lexpand),$length),"\n"; =cut $thesi=index($copy_seq_no_3D,$substring_M); $orio_epomenou=$split_copy_seq_no_3D $extra_AAs = substr($copy_seq_no_3D,$thesi,$extra_ +length); $final_tm=$extra_AAs.$substring_M; $thesi_telikis_arxis = $hash_start_align{$k}+$arx +i_tm-$count_axrista_entering; $thesi_telikou_telous = $hash_start_align{$k}+$tel +os_tm-$count_axrista_exiting+$extra_length; print 'EXEI ALLAGI:'."\t".$substring_M."\t".length +($substring_M)."\t".$thesi_telikis_arxis."\t".$thesi_telikou_telous." +\t".'BIKA ME: '."\t".$count_axrista_entering."\t".'VGIKA ME: '."\t".$ +count_axrista_exiting."\t".'AXRISTA MESA: '."\t".$axrista_M."::"; print substr($copy_seq_no_3D,$thesi_telikis_arxis, +($thesi_telikou_telous-$thesi_telikis_arxis+1)); last; } } } } } print "\n"; }
    Somewhere inside you see the code citromatik added... It will take me a day to explain all this in English. However, citromatik's code worked OK, but I realized I need to also add some boundaries as to where the string can expand...
    For example, if we set $limit_to_the_left to a number and $limit_to_the_right to another number, the string must expand between those limits, regardless if its final size reaches 7....
      use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw/min/; my $str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; my $seed = "FGH"; my $length = 7; my $r_lim = 2; my $l_lim = 1; my $slen = length $seed; my $ipos = index $str,$seed; my $lexpand = $slen < $length ? ($length - $slen)/2 : 0; $lexpand = min ($ipos, $l_lim, $lexpand); my $rexpand = $length - $slen - $lexpand; $rexpand = $r_lim < $rexpand ? $r_lim : $rexpand; print +(substr $str,($ipos - $lexpand),($lexpand + $slen + $rexpand)), +"\n";


        Thank you very much for your time!
        Well, I have been dealing with this problem quite some days now, and it works OK...
        Except something I found out today:
        Both in the initial code and in this one, there is a bug and I don't know how to deal with it:
        Check for instance the initial code you provided citromatik:
        If the substring is NO, the final output is KLMNOP, that is, it doesn't take J as well so as to become 7, which is the wanted final length.