use Net::Pcap; use strict; #i am very careless #look up a device to be used (the active NIC) my $err="blah"; my $dev=Net::Pcap::lookup_dev(\$err) or die "error:\t$err\n"; #open the device in live mode to sniff out packets my ($promisc,$snaplen,$to_ms); $promisc=1; #watchout for any damn packet $snaplen=150; #atleast 80 chars $to_ms=100; #wait for 1 sec $pcap=Net::Pcap::open_live($dev,$snaplen,$promisc,$to_ms); #loop infinitely until an error occurs #and call the packet processing subroutine Net::Pcap::loop($pcap,-1,\&pack_pro,0); sub pack_pro{ #this is the actual packet processor my($user_data,$header,$packet)=@_; # extract the source IP addr into dotted quad form my($source) = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", ord( substr($packet, $src_ip, 1) ), ord( substr($packet, $src_ip+1, 1) ), ord( substr($packet, $src_ip+2, 1) ), ord( substr($packet, $src_ip+3, 1) )); # extract the destination IP addr into dotted quad form my($destination) = sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", ord( substr($packet, $dst_ip, 1) ), ord( substr($packet, $dst_ip+1, 1) ), ord( substr($packet, $dst_ip+2, 1) ), ord( substr($packet, $dst_ip+3, 1) )); #the above part is directly taken from "hacking linux exposed" (sorry but couldn't figure out this part) my $data=substr($packet,$domain_start); #change domain component seperator back into dots $data=~s/[^-A-Za-z0-9]/./g; #print the packet print "$source->$destination\n$data\n"; }#sub routine ends