in reply to and untainting

I can't comment to your question about stat, but one thing I notice that worries me is the way this subroutine is untainting. According to numerous sources, filters should specify a list of legal characters and/or patterns rather than rely on a list of bad characters. From our own perlsec:

It's better to verify that the variable has only good characters (for certain values of "good") rather than checking whether it has any bad characters. That's because it's far too easy to miss bad characters that you never thought of.

Merely excluding characters or looking for "." at the start of a path name can make you vulnerable to a host of security exploits. For example, your current filter would allow something like "/sbin", "/sbin\0bad stuff here" (poison null vulnerability) and, of course, "foo/././sbin" to be added to $PATH.

Given that this is a published CPAN module, it might be a good idea to rethink that filtering strategy and maybe even submit a bug fix. Consider using another routine or doing your own filtering of $ENV{PATH}.

Best, beth