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Re^2: wxPerl DrawPolygon

by bkv2k (Novice)
on Aug 04, 2009 at 21:48 UTC ( [id://785912]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: wxPerl DrawPolygon
in thread wxPerl DrawPolygon

Again, thanks to those trying to help with this problem. I think I finally figured out how to call wxPerl DrawPolygon. Here's what I came up with:
# This code in file #!/usr/bin/perl package MyApp; use warnings; use strict; use Wx; use AppFrame; use vars qw( @ISA ); our @ISA = qw( Wx::App ); sub OnInit { my $self = shift; # Create new main application frame. my $frame = AppFrame->new( "Test DrawPolygon", Wx::Point->new( 50, + 50 ), Wx::Size->new( 640, 480 ) ); $frame->SetBackgroundColour( Wx::wxBLUE ); $self->SetTopWindow( $frame ); $frame->Center(); $frame->Show( 1 ); return 1; } package main; my( $app ) = MyApp->new(); $app->MainLoop(); # This code in file #!/usr/bin/perl package AppFrame; use warnings; use strict; use Wx; use MyCanvas; our ( @ISA ) = qw( Wx::Frame ); sub new { my $class = shift; $class = ref( $class ) || $class; my ( $title, $pos, $size ) = @_; $title = defined( $title ) ? $title : "wxPerl"; $pos = defined( $pos ) ? $pos : Wx::Point->new( 0, 0 ); $size = defined( $size ) ? $size : Wx::Size->new( 50, 50 ); my $self = $class->SUPER::new( undef, -1, $title, $pos, $size ); bless( $self, $class ); # Create canvas. $self->{CANVAS} = MyCanvas->new( $self, -1, $pos, $size ); return $self; } return 1; # This code in file #!/usr/bin perl package MyCanvas; use warnings; use strict; use Wx; our ( @ISA ) = qw( Wx::Panel ); sub new { my ($class, $parent, $id, $pos, $size) = @_; $class = ref( $class ) || $class; $id = defined( $id ) ? $id : -1; $pos = defined( $pos ) ? $pos : Wx::wxDefaultPosition; $size = defined( $size ) ? $size : Wx::wxDefaultSize; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $parent, $id, $pos, $size ); bless( $self, $class ); $self->SetBackgroundColour( Wx::wxBLUE ); use Wx::Event qw( EVT_PAINT ); EVT_PAINT( $self, \&on_paint ); return $self; } use Wx qw( wxGREEN_PEN wxGREEN_BRUSH ); sub on_paint { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $dc = Wx::PaintDC->new( $self ); $dc->SetPen( wxGREEN_PEN ); $dc->SetBrush( wxGREEN_BRUSH ); $dc->DrawPolygon( [ Wx::Point->new(319, 239), Wx::Point->new(311, +236), Wx::Point->new(311, 242) ], 0, 0 ); } return 1;

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