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MD5 -- not digest::md5

by Oromis92 (Sexton)
on Aug 15, 2009 at 09:42 UTC ( [id://788852]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Oromis92 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

hi! this post should be in a cryptography forum, but i'm sure the problem is in my syntax.... i wrote a simple script for encoding a string in md5 (not using digest::md5)
#!/usr/bin/perl @r = ((7,12,17,22) x 4 , (5,9,14,20) x 4 , (4,11,16,23) x 4 , (6,10,15 +,21) x 4); $k[$_] = (int(abs(sin($_+1))*(2**32))) for 0..63; $H0 = 0x67452301; $H1 = 0xefcdab89; $H2 = 0x98badcfe; $H3 = 0x10325476; print "> "; @msg = map(ord, split // , <>); pop @msg; $msgbin .= 0 . sprintf('%b',$msg[$_]) for 0..$#msg; $length = sprintf('%b',length $msgbin); $length = 0 . $length while length $length < 64; $msgbin .= 1; $msgbin .= 0 until length $msgbin == 448 % 512; $msgbin .= $length; for ($i=0,$j=0;$j<16;$i+=32,$j++) { $w[$j] = (unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . (substr($msgbin +,$i,32)), -32)))) % (2**32); } $a = $H0; $b = $H1; $c = $H2; $d = $H3; for $i (0..63) { if ($i >= 0 && $i <= 15) { $f = (($b & $c) | ((~$b) & $d)) % (2**32); $g = $i; } elsif ($i >= 16 && $i <= 31) { $f = (($d & $b) | ((~$d) & $c)) % (2**32); $g = (5*$i + 1) % 16; } elsif ($i >= 32 && $i <= 47) { $f = ($b ^ $c ^ $d) % (2**32); $g = (3*$i + 1) % 16; } elsif ($i >= 48 && $i <= 63) { $f = ($c ^ ($b | (~$d))) % (2**32); $g = (7*$i + 1) % 16; } $temp = $d % (2**32); $d = $c % (2**32); $c = $b % (2**32); $b = ($b + (($a + $f + $k[$i] + $w[$g]) << $r[$i])) % (2**32); $a = $temp % (2**32); } $H0 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H0 + $a))); $H1 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H1 + $b))); $H2 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H2 + $c))); $H3 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H3 + $d))); $digest = $H0.$H1.$H2.$H3; print "> $digest\n";


md5("test) = 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6

myscript("test") = 56fb159ad06a6e220f579f97e5b2170f


i used this pseudocode:


any hints ?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: MD5 -- not digest::md5
by roboticus (Chancellor) on Aug 15, 2009 at 14:09 UTC

    In a case like this when you're teaching yourself or improving code with a known solution, it's worthwhile to go ahead and use the original code as a "check" so you can tell when you've got it right and/or wrong. Something like:

    use Digest::MD5 qw(md5); my $message = ...blah blah blah...; my $md5_test = my_md5($message); my $md5_chek = md5($message); print "MESSAGE: '$message'\n" . "TEST: '$md5_test'\n" . "CHECK: '$md5_chek'\n"; print "*** MISMATCHED ***\n" unless $md5_test ne $md5_chek; sub my_md5 { ...blah blah blah... }

    This way, you know you're passing the same thing to the test code and the reference code. Then you can have some confidence in your test code. (Especially if you use multiple values to verify corner cases, fencepost errors and the like.)

      I'm not sure what your point is. The OP already knows "it doesn't work". Assuming that Digest::MD5::md5 does "work", I fail to see what your suggestion offers the OP in finding his problem.

        The program in the OP doesn't show both his code and the use of the reference code. I've seen far too many cases where a tiny difference is unnoticed (perhaps an extra blank, a fat-fingered character or something) that makes the difference. By calling both the reference function and the new function in the same program it's easier to confirm that the *exact* same data is passed to both.

        In fact, I had that problem occur last year. For my son's Webelos troop we were working on encryption and decryption of messages. A similar mistake I made caused a problem, and we could decrypt only half of the message I had prepared.

Re: MD5 -- not digest::md5
by CountZero (Bishop) on Aug 15, 2009 at 14:46 UTC
    I wrote a simple script for encoding a string in md5
    It is strange to say that the MD5 algorithm can be used as a form of encoding. MD5 is a one-way hashing function, with no simple way of decoding the result. In essence it can only be used as a digest.


    A program should be light and agile, its subroutines connected like a string of pearls. The spirit and intent of the program should be retained throughout. There should be neither too little or too much, neither needless loops nor useless variables, neither lack of structure nor overwhelming rigidity." - The Tao of Programming, 4.1 - Geoffrey James

      ok, i followed all your hints...
      #!/usr/bin/perl use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use integer; my @r = ((7,12,17,22) x 4 , (5,9,14,20) x 4 , (4,11,16,23) x 4 , (6,10 +,15,21) x 4); my @k; $k[$_] = (int(abs(sin($_+1))*(2**32))) for 0..63; my $H0 = 0x67452301; my $H1 = 0xefcdab89; my $H2 = 0x98badcfe; my $H3 = 0x10325476; # my $H0 = 19088743; # my $H1 = 2300300783; # my $H2 = 267242392; # my $H3 = 124076833; print "> "; my $msg = <>; my @msg = map(ord, split // , $msg); pop @msg; my $msgbin; $msgbin .= 0 . sprintf('%b',$msg[$_]) for 0..$#msg;; my $length = sprintf('%b',length $msgbin); $length = 0 . $length while length $length < 64; $msgbin .= 1; $msgbin .= 0 until length $msgbin == 448 % 512; $msgbin .= $length; my @w; for (my $i=0,my $j=0;$j<16;$i+=32,$j++) { $w[$j] = (unpack("V", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . (substr($msgbin +,$i,32)), -32)))) % (2**32); } my $a = $H0; my $b = $H1; my $c = $H2; my $d = $H3; my $f; my $g; for my $i (0..63) { if ($i >= 0 && $i <= 15) { $f = (($b & $c) | ((~$b) & $d)) % (2**32); $g = $i; } elsif ($i >= 16 && $i <= 31) { $f = (($d & $b) | ((~$d) & $c)) % (2**32); $g = (5*$i + 1) % 16; } elsif ($i >= 32 && $i <= 47) { $f = ($b ^ $c ^ $d) % (2**32); $g = (3*$i + 1) % 16; } elsif ($i >= 48 && $i <= 63) { $f = ($c ^ ($b | (~$d))) % (2**32); $g = (7*$i + 1) % 16; } my $temp = $d % (2**32); $d = $c % (2**32); $c = $b % (2**32); $b = ($b + (($a + $f + $k[$i] + $w[$g]) << $r[$i])) % (2**32); $a = $temp % (2**32); } $H0 = unpack("H8", pack("V", ($H0 + $a))); $H1 = unpack("H8", pack("V", ($H1 + $b))); $H2 = unpack("H8", pack("V", ($H2 + $c))); $H3 = unpack("H8", pack("V", ($H3 + $d))); my $digest = md5_hex($msg); print "> $H0$H1$H2$H3\n> $digest\n";
      but still doesn't work...
        my $H0 = 0x67452301; my $H1 = 0xefcdab89; my $H2 = 0x98badcfe; my $H3 = 0x10325476;
        i think error is there, this values must be other. Read
Re: MD5 -- not digest::md5
by FunkyMonk (Chancellor) on Aug 15, 2009 at 22:58 UTC
    I know nothing about the algorithm, and I haven't looked at the reference you gave, but are you sure about this line

    $msgbin .= 0 until length $msgbin == 448 % 512;

    448 % 512 is always going to be 448, so what's the point?

Re: MD5 -- not digest::md5
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 15, 2009 at 09:55 UTC
      lol, ok ok
      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; my @r = ((7,12,17,22) x 4 , (5,9,14,20) x 4 , (4,11,16,23) x 4 , (6,10 +,15,21) x 4); my @k; $k[$_] = (int(abs(sin($_+1))*(2**32))) for 0..63; my $H0 = 0x67452301; my $H1 = 0xefcdab89; my $H2 = 0x98badcfe; my $H3 = 0x10325476; print "> "; my @msg = map(ord, split // , <>); pop @msg; my $msgbin; $msgbin .= 0 . sprintf('%b',$msg[$_]) for 0..$#msg;; my $length = sprintf('%b',length $msgbin); $length = 0 . $length while length $length < 64; $msgbin .= 1; $msgbin .= 0 until length $msgbin == 448 % 512; $msgbin .= $length; my @w; for (my $i=0,my $j=0;$j<16;$i+=32,$j++) { $w[$j] = (unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . (substr($msgbin +,$i,32)), -32)))) % (2**32); } my $a = $H0; my $b = $H1; my $c = $H2; my $d = $H3; my $f; my $g; for my $i (0..63) { if ($i >= 0 && $i <= 15) { $f = (($b & $c) | ((~$b) & $d)) % (2**32); $g = $i; } elsif ($i >= 16 && $i <= 31) { $f = (($d & $b) | ((~$d) & $c)) % (2**32); $g = (5*$i + 1) % 16; } elsif ($i >= 32 && $i <= 47) { $f = ($b ^ $c ^ $d) % (2**32); $g = (3*$i + 1) % 16; } elsif ($i >= 48 && $i <= 63) { $f = ($c ^ ($b | (~$d))) % (2**32); $g = (7*$i + 1) % 16; } my $temp = $d % (2**32); $d = $c % (2**32); $c = $b % (2**32); $b = ($b + (($a + $f + $k[$i] + $w[$g]) << $r[$i])) % (2**32); $a = $temp % (2**32); } $H0 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H0 + $a))); $H1 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H1 + $b))); $H2 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H2 + $c))); $H3 = unpack("H8", pack("N", ($H3 + $d))); my $digest = $H0.$H1.$H2.$H3; print "> $digest\n";
        Heres how i modify On my machine without use integer; sum is fffffffffffffffffffffffffc51043f but with use integer;, sum is 67452301efcdab8998badcfe10325476

        I think you need to unpack more carefully

        N An unsigned long in "network" (big-endian) order.
        Pseudocode mentions little endian, so i think you want
        V An unsigned long in "VAX" (little-endian) order.
        Hope that helps
        $b = ($b + (($a + $f + $k[$i] + $w[$g]) << $r[$i])) % (2**32);

        Might not give the right result. "The result of overflowing the range of the integers is undefined" according to the docs. You need to do the proper masking *before* the shift, not after.

Re: MD5 -- not digest::md5
by mtve (Deacon) on Aug 16, 2009 at 07:23 UTC
Re: MD5 -- not digest::md5
by pKai (Priest) on Aug 16, 2009 at 10:35 UTC

    A good candidate to study the potential differences of your implementation against a working implementation might be the source of Digest::Perl::MD5 which is the pure Perl implementation the wrapper Digest::MD5 falls back to, when it can't load the XS implementation.

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