Seeing how in the few months that I have been hanging around the monestary there seems to be almost every other week concern for the growing number of saints that are soon to rise here, I wonder if this would be viable: Seeing that it can be fairly easy to reach significant experience here in the monestary without knowing much perl- (or at least feeling like I do) I would suggest that to make Saint- or perhaps a level above that, a monk has to publish something that the other Saints vote on as "worthy" or not for sainthood. This publication could be some code- meaning something obsfucated, something that works really cool, a mod they wrote, or perhaps we have them write a tutorial, article for a magazine, through book review. I know there would be a lot to work out in this system, what level do we start doing this for? What are the judging criteria etc? Can we appeal to someone if a "Project" gets booted? Just a thought though....