in reply to Parsing issue

Problems detected in this output:

The last point gave me an idea: Let all the words with exactly one space between them just before a colon be a key. So you have to be sure that a value need many spaces after it not to be considered as part of the key from the next line (trick one). Then, also split everywhere there are many spaces and treat them as another delimiter (trick two).

#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $string = ""; while(<DATA>) { $_ =~ s/\n/ /g; # (trick one) $string .= $_; } my %hash = split (/\s*:\s+|\s\s+/, $string); # (trick two) print Dumper( \%hash ); __DATA__ VLAN : 1 Status : Enabled FID : 1 Name : DEFAULT VLAN VLAN Type: Permanent Last change: 2009-08-31 16:48:45 Egress Ports: host.0.1 Forbidden Egress Ports: ge.3.39 Untagged Ports: host.0.1


$VAR1 = { 'Last change' => '2009-08-31 16:48:45', 'Status' => 'Enabled', 'Forbidden Egress Ports' => 'ge.3.39', 'FID' => '1', 'VLAN' => '1', 'Untagged Ports' => 'host.0.1', 'Egress Ports' => 'host.0.1', 'Name' => 'DEFAULT VLAN', 'VLAN Type' => 'Permanent' };

You were too close, but now you have to be sure that all possible values of 'VLAN Type' should not be so long to left only one space before 'Last change' field.