ron.savage has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Folks I'm trying to implement Perl syntax highlighting within cgit, after reading this fascinating post: But the highlighter is not being called. Code is displayed as plain text, without e.g. line numbers. He's my cgitrc:
virtual-root=/cgit cache-root=/tmp/cgit/cache cache-size=1021 snapshots=tar.gz zip enable-log-filecount=1 enable-log-linecount=1 summary-log=5 summary-branches=5 summary-tags=5 css=/cgit/cgit.css logo=/cgit/cgit.png max-repo-count=100 source-filter=/home/ron/bin/ repo.url=Acute-ProcessPostScript repo.path=/home/ron/perl.modules/Acute-ProcessPostScript/.git repo.desc=Acute::ProcessPostScript # All following lines are 3 per module, as above.
Here's the hiliter (
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; # --------- my $file = shift; if($file =~ /\.(p[ml]|t)$/i) { system "/usr/local/bin/perltidy -html -st -ntoc -npod -pre -nssc - +nnn" } else { system "cat -n"; }
David's code has -nss but perltidy, v20090616 only has ssc, so I assume that's what he meant. This option has no effect on my lack of highlighting. is executable:
507 ron@zephyr:~/httpd/prefork$ dir /home/ron/bin/ -rwxr-xr-x 1 ron ron 207 2009-10-15 09:36 /home/ron/bin/perl.hiliter.p +l*
Changing it's permissions to 777 had no effect. I'm running cgit.cgi from Apache's cgi-bin/ dir. TIA. Ron