BhariD has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have the following code:

while($evalue = <DATA>){ chomp; if($evalue < 0.001){ print OUTPUT $evalue, "\n"; } } close DATA;

DATA ----------- 1e-005 2e-090 0.00 0.67 1.0 4e-065

For some reason the above code does not seem to do what I want. It prints out the input in the DATA as it is without evaluating the if statement above.

OUTPUT (wrong) ----------- 1e-005 2e-090 0.00 0.67 1.0 4e-065

The output should look like this: (the evalue of 0.00 means 1e-180, so should be counted).

OUTPUT (correct) ----------- 1e-005 2e-090 0.00 4e-065

Anyone knows what I am doing wrong here?