in reply to PGA Golf, Round 1

Hole 1 (18, or 16 if I can take a free drop on pop)
sub {(pop=~/\w+/g)[4]}
Hole 2 (24 in tcsh)
perl -e'\ \ \ goto\ TPC'
Which has been said before, to be sure.
Hole 3 (20)
sub {pop=~/^(.+?)\1+$/;$1}
which takes a 1-stroke penalty for the lack of /s, and one for $ instead of \Z. Oh well.
Hole 4 (19)
sub {split//,pack"H*",@_}
sub {map{chr hex}pop=~/../g}
for one more stroke and a warmer fuzzier feeling (since I actually got that one done in the time limit).
Hole 5 (30)
sub {$a=pop;for(@_){$a>$_ or$a=$_}$a}
I think this is optimal for Perl 5.004 (tilly can do it better with a more recent revision, I know.)
Hole 6 (44)
sub {sub F{pop=~/[aeiou]/;$&}sort{F($a)cmp F$b}@_}
Which is not as cool as some, but is the best I could do without reading the thread.
This gives me an overall score of 155 for six holes, which I think is respectable...

If God had meant us to fly, he would *never* have give us the railroads.
    --Michael Flanders