use IO::Socket; use strict; use warnings; my %hash = ( "name" => "pavunkumar " , "age" => 20 ) ; my $new = \%hash ; #Turn on System variable for Buffering output $| = 1; # Creating a a new socket my $socket= IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort=>5000,Proto=>'tcp',Localhost => 'localhost','Listen' => 5 , 'Reuse' => 1 ); die "could not create $! \n" unless ( $socket ); print "\nUDPServer Waiting port 5000\n"; my $new_sock = $socket->accept(); my $host = $new_sock->peerhost(); while(<$new_sock>) { #my $line = <$new_sock>; print Dumper "$host $_"; print $new_sock $new . "\n"; } print "$host is closed \n" ; #### use IO::Socket; use Data::Dumper ; use warnings ; use strict ; my %hash = ( "file" =>"log.txt" , size => "1000kb") ; my $ref = \%hash ; # This client for connecting the specified below address and port # INET function will create the socket file and establish the connection with # server my $port = shift || 5000 ; my $host = shift || 'localhost'; my $recv_data ; my $send_data; my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host , PeerPort => $port , Proto => 'tcp', ) or die "Couldn't connect to Server\n"; while (1) { my $line = ; print $socket $ref."\n"; if ( $line = <$socket> ) { print Dumper $line ; } else { print "Server is closed \n"; last ; } }