package MyApp; use strict; use base 'CGI::Application'; use CGI::Application::Plugin::AutoRunmode; use CGI::Application::Plugin::Config::Simple; use CGI::Application::Plugin::DBH (qw/dbh_config dbh/); use CGI::Application::Plugin::Session; sub cgiapp_init { my ($self, %params) = @_; # -- config $self->config_file($params{-config_file}); $self->dbh_config( $self->config_param('dsn') ,$self->config_param('user') ,$self->config_param('password') ); # -- session $self->session_config( CGI_SESSION_OPTIONS => [ $self->config_param('cgi_session_dsn') ,$self->query ,{Handle=>$self->dbh} ], DEFAULT_EXPIRY => '+31d', # should this match -expires below? TBD COOKIE_PARAMS => { -expires => '+31d' ,-path => $self->config_param('cookie_path') } ); } sub terminate { my $self = shift; $self->session->flush if $self->session_loaded; # CGI::Sesssion documentation says "auto-flushing can be unreliable. # ...regard it as mandatory that sessions always need to be explicitly # flushed before the program exits... sub teardown() would be the # appropriate place to do this. } sub display_form : StartRunmode { my $self = shift; my $q = $self->query; my $session_data = $self->session->param('stuff') || 1; my $result = $q->start_html(-title => 'Client Login') . $q->start_form . 'First Name: ' . $q->textfield(-name=>'firstName') . $q->br . $q->submit . $q->hidden(-name =>'rm', -value => 'page_2') . $q->end_form . $q->br . $session_data . $q->end_html ; $session_data++; # reload the page to see the value change above $self->session->param(stuff=>$session_data); return $result; }