in reply to Re: Unicode: Perl5 equivalent to Perl6's @string.graphemes?
in thread Unicode: Perl5 equivalent to Perl6's @string.graphemes?

Hm. Are you sure about \p{M}?

Yes. /\P{M}\p{M}*/ is a poor man's version of (only recently available) /\X/. The idea is to match what the reader would consider a character. These are called "graphemes". Graphemes can be formed by more than one Unicode code points. For example, this instance of grapheme "é" is composed using code points U+0065 (LATIN SMALL LETTER E) plus U+0301 (COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT). U+0065 matches /\P{M}/, and U+0301 matches /\p{M}/.

He simply needs to apply the regex pattern against the decoded text (as his commented out code would do) rather than apply the regexp against the UTF-8 bytes that represent the text.

Also make sure that edict is really in UTF-8.

It surely is since he got a U+FF11 (FULLWIDTH DIGIT ONE, a "1" as wide as a Japanese character) when treating the input as UTF-8.