Here is my text file\n I want to save a bunch of\n charcaters before the keywords\n for example the keywords might be\n the phrase: these are my keywords\n I want to save a bunch of characters\n after the keywords too so I have\n context\n \n The keywords may appear multiple\n times in any given file and may\n span across lines like so: these are\n my keywords. This is one reason\n I was using slurp instead of reading\n in line by line #### #!C:/Perl/bin -w use File::Slurp; my $filetext= read_file("input.txt"); while($filetext=~ m{(.{30}(these\s+are\s+my\s+keywords).{30})}gis) { print "$1\n"; } #### keywords might be the phrase: these are my keywords I want to save a bunch of cha ay span across lines like so: these are my keywords. This is one reason I was us