in reply to regex for removing quoted text

You want to look at the /s switch on the s/// operator. For instance, with the following code (in a one-liner with -l):

my $str = q{this is "a test} . qq{\n} . q{this is "only a "poor "test}; print $str; print qq{=====}; $str =~ s/"[^"]+"//gs; print $str;
I get the following result, which is similar to what you indicated you needed:
this is "a test this is "only a "poor "test ===== this is only a test

Hope that helps.

Update: 2011-03-09

I cannot help but second roboticus's references and suggestions. There is much useful information (and I now have another module to take a look at when I have "spare" time available again). :)

Update: 2011-03-09

It appears as if the module in question may be YAPE::Regex::Explain (as I found when I tried installing it to play with it myself).