#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $username = "test"; my $password = "lol"; use WWW::Mechanize; my $name = $ARGV[0]; #%N - Title of torrent my $descr= "none"; foreach(glob "*.torrent"){ use_contents($_); } sub use_contents{ my $filename = shift; my $torrent_file = $filename; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1); #Initializes WWW::Mechanize $mech->get("http://localhost/TB_ALPHA/login.php"); #Retrieves The Login Page print "Logging Into ES, Please Wait.\n"; #Alerts The User $mech->submit_form( #Logs Us Into BTN form_number => 0, fields => { username => "$username", password => "$password", } ); $mech->get("http://localhost/TB_ALPHA/upload.php"); sleep 2; warn "wait"; $mech->field('file', $torrent_file); #input torrent file warn "wait $torrent_file"; $mech->field('name', $name); #file name warn "wait $name"; $mech->field('descr', $descr); #description warn "wait $descr"; $mech->value(3); #category warn "wait"; $mech->click_button(value => "Do it!"); #Clicks do it warn "wait"; }