#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ----------------------------- use warnings; use strict; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use Term::ReadKey; use threads; use threads::shared; $|++; # ----------------------------- # ----------------------------- our @stream1_clients : shared; our @stream2_clients : shared; my $stream1_prt = 5555; my $stream2_prt = 5556; my $client1_prt = 1100; my $client2_prt = 1101; my $ip = ''; # ----------------------------- # Create Stream 1 listen ------ my $stream1_lsn = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalAddr => $ip, LocalPort => $stream1_prt, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => "tcp", Reuse => 1, Listen => 5) or die "Stream 1 listen socket couldn't be created: $@\n"; # ----------------------------- # Create Client 1 listen ------ my $client1_lsn = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalAddr => $ip, LocalPort => $client1_prt, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => "tcp", Reuse => 1, Blocking => 0, #part of issue? Listen => 5) or die "Client 1 listen socket couldn't be create: $@\n"; # ----------------------------- # Create Client 2 listen ------ my $client2_lsn = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalAddr => $ip, LocalPort => $client2_prt, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => "tcp", Reuse => 1, Blocking => 0, #part of issue? Listen => 5) or die "Client 2 listen socket couldn't be create: $@\n"; # ----------------------------- # Add listen sockets to select my $sockets = new IO::Select(); $sockets->add($stream1_lsn); $sockets->add($client1_lsn); $sockets->add($client2_lsn); # ----------------------------- # Create separate thread for nonblocking read of STDIN my $thr_in = threads->new(\&read_in)->detach(); #Go into infinite loop, handling connections while(my @ready = $sockets->can_read) { #got data foreach my $socket (@ready) { # find which socket sent data #New Stream1--------------------- if ($socket == $stream1_lsn) { my $stream1_sock = $stream1_lsn->accept(); #accept stream 1 $stream1_hst = $stream1_sock->peerhost; print "New stream1 from IP [$stream1_hst]\n"; my $thr_stream1 = threads->new(\&stream1, $stream1_sock)->detach(); } # ----------------------------- #New client1 ------------------ elsif ($socket == $client1_lsn) { my $client1_sock = $client1_lsn->accept(); #accept client 1 $sockets->add($client1_sock); #add socket to select my $fileno = fileno $client1_sock; push (@stream1_clients, $fileno); $client1_hst = $client1_sock->peerhost; print "New client for stream 1 @ IP [$client1_hst]\n"; } # ----------------------------- #New client2 ------------------ elsif ($socket == $client2_lsn) { my $client2_sock = $client2_lsn->accept(); #accept client 2 $sockets->add($client2_sock); #add socket to select my $fileno2 = fileno $client2_sock; push(@stream2_clients, $fileno2); $client2_hst = $client2_sock->peerhost; print "New client for stream 2 @ IP [$client2_hst]\n"; #Connection to second server running locally my $stream2_sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => $stream2_prt, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Proto => "tcp") or die "Stream2 socket couldn't be created: $@\n"; my $thr_stream2 = threads->new(\&stream2, $stream2_sock)->detach(); } # ----------------------------- } } # Routine called by thread to send stream 1 sub stream1 { my ($lclient1) = @_; my $buf1; if ($lclient1->connected) { while(defined($buf1=<$lclient1>) { foreach $fn1 (@stream1_clients) { open my $fh1, ">&=fn1" or warn $! and die; binmode($fh1, ":raw"); print $fh1 $buf1; } } } close ($lclient1); } # ----------------------------- # Routine called by thread to send stream 2 sub stream2 { my ($lclient2) = @_; my $buf2; if ($lclient2->connected) { while(defined($buf2=<$lclient2>) { foreach $fn2 (@stream2_clients) { open my $fh2, ">&=fn2" or warn $! and die; binmode($fh2, ":raw"); print $fh2 $buf2; } } } close ($lclient2); } # ----------------------------- # Read STDIN in nonblocking fashion?? sub read_in { while (1) { my $char; if(defined($char = ReadKey(0)) ) { if ($char eq 'q') { exit; } } } } __END__