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Re^2: Design a Perl training day - program and report

by GrandFather (Saint)
on Oct 05, 2011 at 20:52 UTC ( [id://929879]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Design a Perl training day - program and report
in thread Design a Perl training day

Somewhat more than a week later! However, here are the reference "answers":

Session 1 Code: Hello World x 10 perl -e "print qq{Hello World\n} x 10" Code: Reverse stuff perl -e "print join ' ', reverse 1 .. 20" perl -e "print scalar reverse join '', 'a' .. 'z'" Code: Reverse less stuff perl -e "@array = 1 .. 20; @array[5 .. 10] = reverse @array[5 .. 10]; +print qq{@array}" Code: Reverse less stuff – string version my $str = join '', 'a' .. 'z'; substr $str, 6, 7, reverse substr $str, 6, 7; say "$str"; Code: Hashy uniqueness Case sensitive version my $name = "Peter Jaquiery"; my %letters; ++$letters{$_} for grep {/[a-z]/i} split '', $name; say join '', sort keys %letters; Case insensitive version my $name = "Peter Jaquiery"; my %letters; $letters{lc $_} //= $_ for grep {/[a-z]/i} split '', $name; say join '', map {$letters{$_}} sort keys %letters; Code: sub – optimal defaults #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; test('a'); test('b', 0); test('c', 2, 0); test('peter ', 2, 3); sub test { my ($str, $lines, $reps) = @_; die "No string provided" if ! defined $str; $reps ||= 1; $lines //= 1; say $str x $reps for 1 .. $lines; } Session 2 Code: Go loopy #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my $count = 0; my $bailed; say "Enter 0 to bail."; while (my $target = int rand 11 and say "I have a number from 1 to 10. +") { print "What is your guess: "; my $guess = <>; chomp $guess; if (!$guess) { $bailed = 1; last; } if ($guess == $target) { say "You got it."; next; } say "Your guess is too ", $guess < $target ? "low" : "high"; redo; } continue { ++$count; } say "I'm sick of playing now." if ! $bailed; say "You guessed $count numbers."; Code: An odd hash #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my @array = map {int rand 100} 1 .. 20; my %numbers; push @{$numbers{$_ % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'}}, $_ for @array; say "@{$numbers{odd}}"; say "@{$numbers{even}}"; Code: Passing Arrays #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my @array = map {int rand 100} 1 .. 20; my %numbers; push @{$numbers{$_ % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'}}, $_ for sortList (@array); say "@{$numbers{odd}}"; say "@{$numbers{even}}"; sub sortList { return sort {$a <=> $b} @_; } Code: Passing Arrays by reference #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my @array = map {int rand 100} 1 .. 20; my %numbers; push @{$numbers{$_ % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'}}, $_ for @array; $_ = sortList ($_) for @numbers{'odd', 'even'}; say "@{$numbers{odd}}"; say "@{$numbers{even}}"; sub sortList { return [sort {$a <=> $b} @{$_[0]}]; } Code: What the hash! my %hash = (1 .. 20); say join ' ', theSub(%hash); sub theSub {return @_;} Code: Hash sorted my %hash = (1 .. 20); say join ' ', theSub(%hash); sub theSub { my %hash = @_; return map {$_, $hash{$_}} sort {$a <=> $b} keys %hash; } Code: Reversing old school my @array = 1 .. 20; my @reversed; unshift @reversed, shift @array while @array; say "@reversed"; Session 3 Code: Normalise a file path (my $path = 'c:\This\That\something\else') =~ s!\\!/!g; say $path; Code: More normalise a file path (my $path = 'This:That\something/else') =~ s![:\\]!/!g; say $path; Code: Lines of numbers my @lines = split '\n', `perldoc perlrequick`; say for grep {/\d/} @lines; Code: This or that my @lines = split '\n', `perldoc perlrequick`; say for grep {/(or|not)\s+more\b/} @lines; Code: Just this or that my @lines = split '\n', `perldoc perlrequick`; say for map {/(or|not)\s+more\b/; $1} grep {/(or|not)\s+more\b/} @line +s; Code: play it again Sam my @lines = split '\n', `perldoc perlrequick`; say for grep {/\b(\w+)\s+\1/} @lines; Code: you wear that in public? my @apparel; while (defined(my $line = <DATA>)) { chomp $line; my ($name, @items) = split /\s*,\s*/, $line; while (@items >= 3) { my %row; @row{qw{name item colour material}} = ($name, splice @items, 0 +, 3); push @apparel, \%row; } } for my $row (grep {$_->{colour} eq 'blue'} @apparel) { printf "%-10s %-10s %-10s\n", @{$row}{'name', 'item', 'material'}; } __DATA__ Peter,shirt,white,cotton,trousers,black,cotton,shoes,black,leather,bum + bag,black,synthetic Ina,shirt,grey,cotton,jeans,blue,denim,shoes,light grey,leather Phil,T-shirt,blue,synthetic,jeans,blue,denim,sneakers,blue,synthetic Code: Nasty sentences #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Lingua::EN::Sentence; my $para = <<PARA; Sentences can be hard to parse. Take the following for example: "Mr. Jones works for I.B.M. ... or maybe not.". (Not so easy eh?) So, did this get it right? PARA my $sentences = Lingua::EN::Sentence::get_sentences ($para); say "$_\n" for map {s/\n+/ /g; $_} @$sentences; Session 4 Code: Create a password perl -e "@chrs = ('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', 0 .. 9); print ((map {$chrs[rand + @chrs]} 1 .. 10), qq{\n})" Code: reprise - you wear that in public? use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:SQLite:Test.sqlite"); die "connect failed: $DBI::errstr" if ! $dbh; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; my $sql = qq{CREATE TABLE People ( name VARCHAR(100), item VARCHAR(30), colour VARCHAR(30), material VARCHAR(50) ) }; eval { $dbh->do ($sql); $dbh->commit (); return 1; } or do { $dbh->rollback (); die "Failed to create table: $@\n"; }; $sql = qq{INSERT INTO People (name, item, colour, material) VALUES (?, + ?, ?, ?)}; my $entries = 0; eval { my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($sql); while (defined (my $line = <DATA>)) { chomp $line; my ($name, @items) = split /\s*,\s*/, $line; $sth->execute ($name, splice @items, 0, 3) while @items >= 3; } $dbh->commit (); return 1; } or do { my $err = $@ || "Unknown error inserting data"; eval {$dbh->rollback ()} or $err .= "\n Rollback processing fail +ed!"; die $err; }; __DATA__ Peter,shirt,white,cotton,trousers,black,cotton,shoes,black,leather,bum + bag,black,synthetic Ina,shirt,grey,cotton,jeans,blue,denim,shoes,light grey,leather Phil,T-shirt,blue,synthetic,jeans,blue,denim,sneakers,blue,synthetic Code: mix and match use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:SQLite:Test.sqlite"); die "connect failed: $DBI::errstr" if ! $dbh; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; my $sql = qq{SELECT name, item, material FROM People WHERE colour LIKE + ? order by name}; eval { my $sth = $dbh->prepare ($sql); $sth->execute ('blue'); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ()) { printf "%-10s %-10s %-10s\n", @{$row}{'name', 'item', 'materia +l'}; } }; Code: dir, ls or something else my $secPerDay = 60 * 60 * 24; opendir my ($scan), '.' or die "opendir failed: $!\n"; while (defined(my $entry = readdir $scan)) { next if !-f $entry; printf "%-20s %10d bytes %s\n", $entry, -s $entry, scalar localtime($^T + $secPerDay * -M $entry); } Code: Simple calculator #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; my %kOps = ( '*' => sub {return $_[0] * $_[1];}, '+' => sub {return $_[0] + $_[1];}, '-' => sub {return $_[0] - $_[1];}, '/' => \&div, ); while ((print "Expression: ") and defined(my $line = <>)) { chomp $line; my @parts = grep {/\S/} split / |\b/, $line; last if !@parts; eval { unshift @parts, process(\@parts) while @parts > 1; return 1; } or do { print $@; next; }; if (!@parts) { say "No result calculated for: $line"; next; } say "$line = $parts[0]"; } sub process { my ($parts) = @_; my ($lhs, $op, $rhs) = splice @$parts, 0, 3; die "Bad expression syntax.\n" if !defined $rhs || $lhs !~ /^\d+$/ || $rhs !~ /^\d+$/; die "Not an operator: $op\n" if !exists $kOps{$op}; return $kOps{$op}->($lhs, $rhs); } sub div { my ($lhs, $rhs) = @_; die "Divide by zero\n" if !$rhs; return $lhs / $rhs; }
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