joybee has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I need help here to position the tk messagebox

I used tk::messageBox to post a message and the widget was always located in the center of the screen. How can I make it displayed somewhere else, relative to the application main window instead of center of the screen? I used ->place() and it didn't work.


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: tk messagebox position
by keszler (Priest) on Oct 10, 2011 at 15:10 UTC

    Tk::messageBox is a convenient way to pop up a message, but that convenience comes with limits on what you can do. For more control use a Tk::DialogBox. Its Show method is documented with "Any other options supplied to Show are passed to Popup, and can be used to position the Dialog on the screen."

Re: tk messagebox position
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 10, 2011 at 14:25 UTC

    I need help here to position the tk messagebox

    Its a good and smart thing that a messagebox pops up on the center of the screen (or wherever the window manager decides to position it_ -- there is nothing to fix here, move along :)

    How can I make it displayed somewhere else, relative to the application main window instead of center of the screen?

    Search for tk window position, like tk window position and find Tk centering main window on screen.

    I used ->place() and it didn't work.

    Tk::place is a geometry manager, it is used for positioning widgets within a window, it is not used for positioning windows on screen

Re: tk messagebox position
by zentara (Archbishop) on Oct 11, 2011 at 12:25 UTC
    Hi, you will need to make a reusable toplevel window, and repack it with different messages. A few tricks are shown here. The -1-1 geometry placement means "from lower right corner". The toplevel window is reused to prevent memory accumulation from constantly creating new toplevels for each message.
    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->title( "MainWindow" ); my $spawn_button = $mw->Button( -text => "Toplevel", -command => \&do_Toplevel )->pack(); my $change_button = $mw->Button( -text => "Toplevel repacked", -command => \&do_Toplevel_repack )->pack(); ######### make a top level withdrawn ################## # make $tl global so it's memory space is reused my $tl = $mw->Toplevel(); $tl->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub { print "do nothing here\n"; #prevents destruction of $tl #by WM control }); $tl->geometry('300x300-1-1'); $tl->title( "Toplevel" ); $tl->Button( -text => "Close", -command => sub { $tl->withdraw; $spawn_button->configure(-state=>'normal'); $change_button->configure(-state=>'normal'); })->pack(); $tl->withdraw; MainLoop; sub do_Toplevel { $spawn_button->configure(-state=>'disabled'); $change_button->configure(-state=>'disabled'); $tl->deiconify(); $tl->raise(); } sub do_Toplevel_repack { $spawn_button->configure(-state=>'disabled'); $change_button->configure(-state=>'disabled'); #clean out top level my @w = $tl->packSlaves; foreach (@w) { $_->packForget; } $tl->title( "Toplevel repack" ); $tl->geometry('300x500-1-1'); $tl->Button( -text => "Close1", -command => sub { $tl->withdraw; $spawn_button->configure(-state=>'normal'); $change_button->configure(-state=>'normal'); })->pack(); my $text = $tl->Scrolled('Text')->pack(); for (1..100){ $text->insert('end', "$_\n"); $text->see('end'); } #add whatever widgets you want here # Entries, etc $tl->Button( -text => "Add button to mainwindow", -command => sub { $mw->Button(-text=>'new Button')->pack(-side =>'bottom'); })->pack(); $tl->deiconify(); $tl->raise(); }

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