FirtyFree has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi all

Hope everyone here is well :-)

I was hoping someone could give me there expert opinion on the following:

I have a tshark capture setup that will filter RTCP packets and output only the fields that I am interested in specifically "jitter, cumulative packet loss, src host ip, sdes text etc" I want to capture this in a Perl script and write each row of stdout to MySQL.

To cut down on resource utilisation I've added a filter to the tshark capture that means I only list data where the cumulative packet loss is over a specific threshold.

This is how I planned to capture the tshark data and write into MySQL (for example):

tshark -i eth2 -o "rtp.heuristic_rtp: TRUE" -R 'rtcp.ssrc.cum_nr >= 50' -V -d udp.port==5005,rtcp -e rtcp.ssrc.fraction -e rtcp.ssrc.jitter -e rtcp.ssrc.cum_nr -e ip.src_host -e rtcp.sdes.text -S -T fields -E separator=, -E quote=d | perl ./

Essentially I was going to write the data row by row using the following method:

while (<STDIN>) { chomp;@qos = split(',',$_); INSERT DATA INTO MYSQL...... }

Is there a better cleaner way to do this without spamming stdin? can I control tshark completely inside Perl?

I'm quite new to Perl so if you guys could point me in the right direction that would be awesome - the MYSQL part I am comfortable with as I have several scripts that read // write to MySQL DB's.
