[perlpetual@joesatch practice]$ perl wwn_final.pl Enter a for lowercase and colons. b to do it the other way around. q to quit a Enter the wwn or q to quit: 10000000C9ABCDEF 10:00:00:00:c9:ab:cd:ef Enter the wwn or q to quit: 10:00:00:00:c9:ab:cd:ef Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format Enter the wwn or q to quit: 10000000C9ABCDEG Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format Enter the wwn or q to quit: 10000000abcdefga Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format Enter the wwn or q to quit: 10000000abcdefab 10:00:00:00:ab:cd:ef:ab Enter the wwn or q to quit: q Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format [perlpetual@joesatch practice]$ perl wwn_final.pl Enter a for lowercase and colons. b to do it the other way around. q to quit b Enter the wwn with : or q to quit: 10:00:00:00:c9:ab:cd:ef 10000000c9abcdef Enter the wwn with : or q to quit: 10:00:00:00:c9:ab:cd:eg Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format Enter the wwn with : or q to quit: 10:00:00:00:c9:ab:cd:e Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format Enter the wwn with : or q to quit: 10000000c9abcdef Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format Enter the wwn with : or q to quit: q Invalid Length Or Incorrect Format [perlpetual@joesatch practice]$