in reply to Moose - inner/augment a misfeature?
in thread Moose - two augmented methods in one class

Ultimately it would be nice if we could make it work properly, but that might be too much to ask from a library. However I will let the current maintainers chew on it a little and see if they can fix it (crazier sh*t has been pulled off in the past).

I think moving to a MooseX:: is probably too extreme and would seriously break backwards compat, and as I said, it works in simple cases. If nothing more, it would require a loooooooong deprecation cycle. So perhaps the better approach is more a matter of documentation updates that better explain the caveats.

Thankfully, only a small percentage of people actually grok this feature and of those people only a handful of them are crazy enough to try and use it.

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