$ perl tg2.pl Unrecognized LWP::UserAgent options: autodie at tg2.pl line 7 Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. Use of uninitialized value $dir in string at tg2.pl line 15. ^C $ cat tg2.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use WWW::Mechanize; use LWP::Simple; use feature ':5.10'; my $domain = 'http://www.yahoo.com'; my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new( qw/ autodie 1 /); $m->get( $domain); my @list = $m->images(); my $counter = 0; my $dir = &DirPP; for my $img (@list) { my $url = $img->url_abs(); $counter++; my $filename = "$dir". "/image_". "$counter"; getstore($url,$filename) or die "Can't download '$url': $@\n"; } sub DirPP { use Errno qw/ EACCES /; # permission denied state $counter2 = 1; my $word = "site"; my $name ; my $made = 0; while(1){ $name = sprintf '%s%3d', $word, $counter2; last if not $made = mkdir $name, 0755 ; die $! if $! == EACCES; } return $name if $made; return; } $