open( my $firstfile, '<', "DFLOG1.txt"); open( my $secondfile, '<', "DFLOG2.txt"); my %first_machine = consume($firstfile); my %second_machine = consume($secondfile); foreach my $mount_point (keys %first_machine) { if ( exists $second_machine{$mount_point} ) { # Perform calculations here. # $first_machine{$mount_point}->[0] is the total # $first_machine{$mount_point}->[1] is the used # $first_machine{$mount_point}->[2] is the free # Similar for $second_machine. # Print here after doing calculation. } else { print "No mount point corresponding to $mount_point on the second machine.\n"; } } sub consume { my ($filehandle) = @_; my %result; while ( defined($_ = <$filehandle>) ) { chomp; next unless /dev/; ($mount_point, $total_space, $used_space, $free_space) = split; $result{$mount_point} = [$total_space, $used_space, $free_space]; } return %result; }