Zoomie has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi All,

I hope you can help me wrie a subroutine to add a number of days to a date in the yyyymmdd format.

I want to add x days to it.


20120516 + 24 = 20120609

Thanks for your help...

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Adding Days To YYYYMMDD Date Format
by sauoq (Abbot) on May 17, 2012 at 00:25 UTC

    The right way to do this is to parse it into a number of seconds as would be returned by time() and then to add the number of seconds in a day times the number of days you want, and then convert it back.

    use Date::Parse; my $day = 24*60*60; my $x = 3; # set this. my $xdays = $x * $day; print scalar localtime(str2time("20121231") + $xdays);

    Update: Changed to produce the requested format and to use the given example. Apparently I have too much time on my hands.

    use Date::Parse; my $date = "20120516"; my $day = 24*60*60; my $x = 24; # set this. my $xdays = $x * $day; # see perldoc -f localtime. my @t = (localtime(str2time($date) + $xdays))[5,4,3]; $t[0] += 1900; # localtime returns years since 1900. $t[1] += 1; # localtime returns month in range 0..11. printf "%04d%02d%02d\n", @t;

    "My two cents aren't worth a dime.";

      When doing a lot of these calculations with dates, keeping the dates in a standard localtime list can prove very useful. When iso-dates are to be generated like in this example, calculation is faster than printf:

      use Benchmark qw(cmpthese); my @d = localtime; cmpthese (-1, { prnt => sub { my $x = sprintf "%d%02d%02d", 1900 + $d[5], $d[4] + 1, $d[3]; }, calc => sub { my $x = (($d[5] + 1900) * 100 + $d[4] + 1) * 100 + $d[3]; }, }); => Rate prnt calc prnt 2025658/s -- -37% calc 3215550/s 59% --

      And yes, I did have a long running process where millions of these were done, so it did matter.

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

      Hi sauoq.

      I added the module Date::Parse from CPAN and your script runs perfectly.

      Thanks so much for your help...

      Hi Sauoq,

      I installed the Date module. (I use Active State Perl).

      When I test your script, I got the message:

      Can't locate Date/

      Any idea what I should do?


        Can't locate Date/

        Any idea what I should do?

        Buy a chicken. Wait for full moon. At midnight, draw a pentragram with its blood. Place yourself and your computer inside the pentagram. Then, open a terminal and type cpan Date::Parse.


        Today I will gladly share my knowledge and experience, for there are no sweeter words than "I told you so". ;-)

        Try the Date::Calc solution below as it works using the Active State distribution.

      I understand that this is a veery old post. I needed a function to help me create a range of dates starting a few days ago and ending at the current date. I played with different dates and I discovered that something wrong happens around October. The "date" is not incremented anymore after 20181028 or 20171029 or 20161030 and so on. However, after that fatidic date it works fine again.

      See and example:

      Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20110102 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20110103 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20110104 ..... Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111026 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111027 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111028 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111029 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111030 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111030 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111030 Last date 20110101 Bill date 20181205 Data 20111030 ......
      $last_date = <STDIN>; chomp $last_date; for (my $i = $last_date; $i <= $bill_date; $i = AddDate( $i, 1)) { push @letter_dates, $i; printf "Last date %s Bill date %s Data %s\n", $last_date, $bill_da +te, $i; } sub AddDate { my $date = $_[0]; my $x = $_[1]; # set this. my $day = 24*60*60; my $xdays = $x * $day; my @t = (localtime(str2time($date) + $xdays))[5,4,3]; $t[0] += 1900; # localtime returns years since 1900. $t[1] += 1; # localtime returns month in range 0..11. $return_date = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d", $t[0], $t[1], $t[2]; return $return_date; }

      2018-12-06 Athanasius added paragraph and code tags

        In the UK for example, daylight saving means 28 Oct 2018 has 25 hours (90000 seconds) so adding 86400 seconds does not increment the date

        #!perl use strict; use Date::Parse; my $epoch1 = str2time('20181028'); my $epoch2 = str2time('20181029'); my $secs = $epoch2 - $epoch1; printf "%d - %d %d\n",$epoch2,$epoch1,$secs;

        Try setting the timezone to one without daylight saving

Re: Adding Days To YYYYMMDD Date Format
by Kenosis (Priest) on May 17, 2012 at 02:43 UTC

    Here's another option:

    use Modern::Perl; use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_Days); say addDaysToDate( 20120516, 24 ); sub addDaysToDate { sprintf '%d%02d%02d', Add_Delta_Days( $_[0] =~ /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, $_[1] ); }



    Hope this helps!

      I got error with the Modern::Perl.


      Hi Kenosis

      I added the module Modern::Perl, ran your script, but the result is not correct.

      I changed your sprintf '%d%02d%02d' to sprintf '%04d%02d%02d'.

      Using the same sample, it prints out 00001200.



      It works now!

      Thanks very much!

Re: Adding Days To YYYYMMDD Date Format
by live4tech (Sexton) on May 17, 2012 at 04:19 UTC
    The DateTime module from CPAN is also useful.
Re: Adding Days To YYYYMMDD Date Format
by tobyink (Canon) on May 17, 2012 at 22:36 UTC
    use DateTimeX::Auto qw(:auto); my $date = '2012-05-16'; $date->add(days => 24); print "$date\n";
    perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'

      This is elegant and very readable, tobyink! Nice work...

        I meant to add... I've uploaded a new version of DateTimeX::Auto so now it's possible to just do:

        use DateTimeX::Auto qw(:auto); my $future = '2012-05-19' + 'P3Y4M2D'; # says '2015-09-21' say $future;

        The duration format isn't the most readable, but it's an ISO standard (ISO 8601 duration), so fairly well documented if you Google for it.

        perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'