mbethke has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

There's heaps of database abstraction modules in Perl but it seems that while abstraction always means "You don't have to deal with messy C interfaces", and sometimes "You can write SQL in Perl", it hardly ever means "we'll take care of data type idiosyncrasies for you". I need something like that.

My problem (briefly mentioned in my announcement of Ashafix) is this: I've used a couple of DBMS layers but all programs have been tied to one particular DBMS. Now I want to write one that runs unchanged on at least PostgreSQL and MySQL and my first problem is the handling of booleans. Pg uses an own type that returns 't' or 'f' while MySQL by convention uses TINYINT that is set to zero or non-zero. Currently I'm using DBIx::Simple and I'd prefer to keep it fairly slim. My ideas so far:

Have I by any chance overlooked something on CPAN that would let me do this in a simpler way?