package My::Schema::Result::User; use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use MooseX::NonMoose; use namespace::autoclean; #use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/; extends 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ InflateColumn::DateTime Ordered TimeStamp PassphraseColumn /); __PACKAGE__->position_column('user_id'); __PACKAGE__->table('users'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( user_id => { accessor => 'userid', data_type => 'integer', size => 16, is_nullable => 0, is_auto_increment => 1, }, username => { accessor => 'username', data_type => 'varchar', size => 256, is_nullable => 0, is_auto_increment => 0, }, # Have the 'password' column use a SHA-1 hash and 20-byte salt # with RFC 2307 encoding; Generate the 'check_password" method user_password => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 256, is_nullable => 0, is_auto_increment => 0, passphrase => 'rfc2307', passphrase_class => 'SaltedDigest', passphrase_args => { algorithm => 'SHA-1', salt_random => 20. }, passphrase_check_method => 'check_password', }, email_address => { data_type => "varchar", size => 256, is_nullable => 1, }, last_name => { data_type => "varchar", size => 100, is_nullable => 1, }, active => { data_type => "integer", size => 1, is_nullable => 1, }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('user_id'); __PACKAGE__->has_many( user_roles => 'My::Schema::Result::UserRole', { "foreign.user_id" => "" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); # many_to_many(): # args: # 1) Name of relationship, DBIC will create accessor with this name # 2) Name of has_many() relationship this many_to_many() is shortcut for # 3) Name of belongs_to() relationship in model class of has_many() above # You must already have the has_many() defined to use a many_to_many(). __PACKAGE__->many_to_many(roles => 'user_roles', 'role'); =head2 has_role Check if a user has the specified role =cut use Perl6::Junction qw/any/; sub has_role { my ($self, $role) = @_; # Does this user posses the required role? return any(map { $_->role } $self->roles) eq $role; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__