in reply to Why cant regex parse this string?

$filename is a string, but if you use it in a regex, it is interpreted as a regex. So all sorts of characters (like parenthesis, for example) have a special meaning. To prevent that, use s/\Q$filename\E//. See perlre for more information.

But, you are already using the URI module, why do you do all those path manipulations yourself? $url->path gives you the path, which is the URL without schema or domain name, so you don't have to manually remove that from the original URL. Or path_segments, which gives you the different parts of the path delimited by slashes:

# untested: my @path_chunks = $url->path_segments; pop @path_chunks; # remove the last one, which is the file name my $dir = $song{dir} = join '/', @path_chunks;

(Updated to use $uri->path_segments, daxim++, and s/shift/pop/, johngg++)