programmer.perl has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi everyone,

My script is giving an error message:

Can't call method "set" on unblessed reference at ./oop-closures-objects line 9.

I can't find the reason, @INC is updated, the name of a module is It seems maybe the problem in a variable $access_type? But I can't find the answer, I'll be happy in any kind of a help-messages :-)

Code of package is:

package Student; sub new { # Constructor my $class = shift; my $data={}; our $students; my $ref = sub { # Closure my ($access_type, $key, $value) = @_; if ($access_type eq "set") { $data->{$key} = $value; # $data still available here } elsif ($access_type eq "get") { return $data->{$key}; } elsif ($access_type eq "keys") { return (keys %{$data}); } elsif ($access_type eq "destroy") { $students--; return $students; } else { die "Access type should be set or get"; } print "New student created, we have ", ++$students, " students.\n"; bless ($ref, $class); # bless anonymous subroutine } } # End constructor sub set { my ($self, $key, $value) = @_; # $self reference anonymous sub $self->("set", $key, $value); } sub get { my ($self, $key) = @_; return $self->("get", $key); } sub display { my $self = shift; my @keys = $self->("keys"); @keys=reverse(@keys); foreach my $key (@keys) { my $value = $self->("get", $key); printf "%-25s%-5s:%-20s\n", $self, $key, $value; } print "\n"; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; print "Object going out of scope:\n"; print "Students remain: ", $self->("destroy"), "\n"; } 1;

Code of a program that uses the

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use lib("lib"); use Student; $ptr1 = Student->new(); # Create new students $ptr2 = Student->new(); $ptr3 = Student->new(); $ptr1->set("Name", "Jody Rogers"); # Set data for object $ptr1->set("Major", "Law"); $ptr2->set("Name", "Christian Dobbins"); $ptr2->set("Major", "Drama"); $ptr3->set("Name", "Tina Savage"); $ptr3->set("Major", "Art"); $ptr1->display(); # Get all data for object $ptr2->display(); $ptr3->display(); print "\nThe major for ", $ptr1->get("Name"), " is ", $ptr1->get("Major"), ".\n\n";