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Re: Tk::Table and optional scrollbar

by Khen1950fx (Canon)
on Jul 26, 2012 at 21:35 UTC ( [id://983941]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Tk::Table and optional scrollbar

Try this:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use autodie; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::Table; my $cols = 6; my $rows = 10; my $mw = new MainWindow(); my $frame = $mw->Frame()->pack; my $table = $frame->Table( -columns => $cols, -scrollbars => 'oe', -rows => $rows + 1, -fixedrows => 10 + 1, -fixedcolumns => 10, -relief => 'raised', ); for my $c ( 1 .. $cols ) { my $tmp = $table->Label( -text => 'Row ' . $c, -width => 6, -relief => 'raised', ); $table->put( 0, $c, $tmp ); } for my $r ( 1 .. $rows ) { for my $c ( 1 .. $cols ) { my $tmp = $table->Label( -text => $r . ',' . $c, -padx => 2, -anchor => 'w', -background => 'white', -relief => 'groove', ); $table->put( $r, $c, $tmp ); } } $table->pack( -expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both' ); MainLoop();

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Re^2: Tk::Table and optional scrollbar
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 26, 2012 at 22:28 UTC

    Try this:

    Why? It doesn't show any scrollbars at all, no matter how you resize the window

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