Cupidvogel has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am trying to send sms through Way2sms using Perl LWP. The login part is being successful, after which I save the cookies to a local file. The welcome page after being logged in shows a Send SMS link, clicking on which one is redirected to another page with two inputs for mobile number and sms text and a button for submitting and sending the sms. Firebug reveals the page structure, from the Iframe url and the form's action attribute, I constructed the form action's absolute URL and submit the form accordingly, with the cookie stored in the file. However, the sms isn't sent. What I am doing wrong here? The code is as follows. (The name attributes for the two text inputs are correct, taken by observing the source code in Firebug)
use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "cookies.txt", autosave => 1, ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox +/14.0.1', cookie_jar => $cookie_jar, ); my $response = $ua->post( '', { username => $user, password => $pass, } ); if ( $response->is_redirect ) { $response = $ua->get( $response->header('Location') ); print 5 if $response->decoded_content =~ /Kaustav Mukherjee/i; #pr +ints it, showing that the login is successful } my $smsresp = $ua->post("" +,[MobNo=>$mob,textArea=>'Hello World']);