in reply to Installing SNMP in Strawberry Perl

PPM packages for that module, and its dependencies, are available from the bribes repo.

For a ppm install, I think you just need to:
ppm repo add bribes ppm install
I'm assuming that your Strawberry Perl has a functional ppm utility - which I think is the case for the 5.16 builds, at least.


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Re^2: Installing SNMP in Strawberry Perl
by joe_tseng (Novice) on Sep 13, 2012 at 11:31 UTC

    I downloaded the PPD file from the URL you provided and I also downloaded an archive the PPD was looking for (the Strawberry Perl PPM doesn't seem to like using repos), and I got it installed.

    However I still got the same message saying the Net-SNMP library can't be found.

    FYI the results of the install are as follows:

    G:\perl>ppm install G:\downloads\Net-SNMP.ppd
    Installing package 'G:\downloads\Net-SNMP.ppd'...
    Use of chdir('') or chdir(undef) as chdir() is deprecated at G:/perl/perl/vendor/lib/ line 393.
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Security\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Security\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Transport\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Transport\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Transport\IPv4\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Transport\IPv4\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Transport\IPv6\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\site\lib\Net\SNMP\Transport\IPv6\
    Installing G:\perl\perl\bin\snmpkey
    Installing G:\perl\perl\bin\snmpkey.bat

    PS - I also had to download Net-SNMP-v6.0.1-PPM516.tar.gz

      After some more googling I don't think I can use portable Strawberry Perl for what I want to do. None of the other modules supports SNMPv3 (which is a requirement for me), and the one that does has external dependencies that I can't put on my flash key. I'm stuck sharing space on a RHEL server. Oh well.